what about carbohydrates?

i am trying to lose 5 kg in one month and some belly fat
i will try to do excersise as much as i can because i dont have a lot of time cause i've many exams these period
should i avoid carbs from my diet ? i know i must eating fruits and veg that contain carbs but what about pasta and white bread?
i know i mustn't eat white bread but will pasta affect my diet if i eat it once a week?
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  • rolemodel69
    rolemodel69 Posts: 365
    You need carbs for energy. You should focus on eating most carbs from veggies and some fruits. The white rice, white bread, white flour, etc...can give your body insulin spike so try to avoid them and eat brown rice, brown bread, whole wheat pasta, etc...instead.

    To lose weight you need to be eating a calorie deficit. A 500 calories deficit from your maintenance level will give you a weight loss of 1 pound per week.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member