Critique my routine?



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I feel like I could be hitting abs and biceps harder. Those are my weak spots but I don't know what other exercises I should add.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    It's always good to keep your body guessing I would add in a different work out for each of those days on a monthly basis so add another and increase your volume or replace one, try something new it will keep things entertaining. :)

    Make sure you're increasing your sets, reps and weight ... you know what I mean.... make sure your making progress if you keep doing the same thing you wont see "gains" for much longer, have to switch it up.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    It's always good to keep your body guessing I would add in a different work out for each of those days on a monthly basis so add another and increase your volume or replace one, try something new it will keep things entertaining. :)

    Make sure you're increasing your sets, reps and weight ... you know what I mean.... make sure your making progress if you keep doing the same thing you wont see "gains" for much longer, have to switch it up.

    no it isn't.

    the whole muscle confusion thing is just a thing that people who don't know what to do or what works say. they hope by "keeping their body guessing" that eventually, something will work. it's like throwing lots of things against the wall and hoping something sticks.

    boring works. consistancy works. repetition works. progress works. how can you know what is working if you keep changing routines??
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    It's always good to keep your body guessing I would add in a different work out for each of those days on a monthly basis so add another and increase your volume or replace one, try something new it will keep things entertaining. :)

    Make sure you're increasing your sets, reps and weight ... you know what I mean.... make sure your making progress if you keep doing the same thing you wont see "gains" for much longer, have to switch it up.

    no it isn't.

    the whole muscle confusion thing is just a thing that people who don't know what to do or what works say. they hope by "keeping their body guessing" that eventually, something will work. it's like throwing lots of things against the wall and hoping something sticks.

    boring works. consistancy works. repetition works. progress works. how can you know what is working if you keep changing routines??
    Yeah, I planned on ignoring that advice. Progressive overload from adding sets, reps, and/or weight is enough to "keep my body guessing."
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Day C-Back/biceps
    Pull ups
    Delt flies
    Back extension
    Bicep curls
    Dead lift

    I would order this day like this:

    Day C-Back/biceps
    Pull ups
    Dead lift
    Delt flies
    Bent over rows : new exercise, great exercise imo
    Bicep curls
    Back extension

    Day E-Legs
    Glute ham raisers, do negatives until you can do them properly
    Calf press
    If you must...
    Hip adduction
    Hip abduction

    The leg curls/ extensions are rubbish. If you can squat you don't need to hit the legs with a bunch of curls etc. Same with lunges, you can't use enough weights. Just squat nice and deep. One week you can hit up front squats and another week hit up back squats.

    I do bent over rows on shoulders day (D) and I hit leg curls and leg extensions right after I squat and just destroy my quads/hams. I seem to grow better that way.

    Oh, and the reason I do hip abduction/adduction is because I dislocated my hip a few years ago and I still have pain, weakness, and limited ROM in my left hip so I'm trying to rehab it a little. I've managed to hit 305lbs for a few reps and that's the max on the machine. It's helped improve stability of the joint.

    Bent over row is traditionally on a back day.

    Fair point on the leg curls/ ext stuff. I have literally done no leg machines in the past 15yrs. Just deep squats and OLifts 3-5x a week.

    Your body doesn't need to guess. It needs to get stronger over time. If the weights/ reps go up over time you will be in better shape if everything else stays constant.

    If the OP has time for an abs day, let her have it. It isn't a big deal. Just that most people can't train 5x a week and at 3x a week it's a waste to have an abs specific day.
