Multiple goals in the house

MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
A little background here: My 20 year old son fell 180 ft from a cliff in Kentucky on March 20. So thankful he survived, but he did break his right scapula, 3 right ribs, 3 vertebra, right tib/fib/ankle/calcaneus. Everything but the leg has heeled by now, but the leg is full of complications and we found out yesterday that he could still lose his foot. One of the complicating factors in his healing is that he lost about 40-50 pounds through all this. He hasn't officially been on a scale because of the boot, wound vac, crutches etc, but at Christmas he was a size 34 waist and now 30's are loose on him.

His doctor wants him to gain 15 pounds by the time he sees him in 3 weeks. He will be taking 2 Ensure shakes a day so there is some added calories, but I need some tips as to how I can put weight on him but take it off of me. I also have my husband and 9 yr old to feed. While I don't mind cooking seperate meals once a week, twice at most, and I don't want to do it every night. My husband is in a construction related industry so putting one meal on the table is a challenge enough sometimes, let alone 2 or 3.

Thanks so much!



  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Wow, that is a challenge!! My heart goes out to you, you are one tough lady!! The only bit of advice I have is what my friend told me who was a basketball player and coach. The trainers told them if you want to gain weight to eat within an hour of going to bed and if you want to lose to not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. Those shakes may be good late night "snacks". Adding protein powder to almost everything he eats may help as well-like pancakes, milk for cereal, etc. Hope that helps!
  • Callmefia
    Callmefia Posts: 42
    My boyfriend is trying to add weight and I'm trying to lose so I understand.

    Here's what I do: make lots and lots of good protein!
    I make pasta to go with protein so my boyfriend can fill up. Last night I made almost a pound of steaks (fillet yum, I buy when its on sale or something!) and I picked a small steak and he ate two. I also made a lemon pasta (whole wheat) and I ate my serving (measured and everything) and he had the rest. Also made asparagus. I took 1/3, he ate the rest. Since you are on a budget cook burgers for the family and a lean steak for yourself (if you can get it past them). Or buy them cheaper, fattier steaks and just one good sirloin for yourself.
    Tonight he's making his own dinner since I'll be home late. And since I just started WW, I'll have a frozen WW meal.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Callmefia beat me to it! I was going to say the same thing - don't make different meals, just make more of the same meal and have him eat bigger portions. Upping protein and carbs will help put some weight on too. Good luck - I'll be praying for his foot!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    As long as the food you have around the house is nutritious, you and your son will benefit from it. Besides eating a balanced diet, proteins and fats are the most important aspect. Have your son fill up on meats, nuts, beans, and poultry so they can add bulk and repair muscle. These are great tools for you to lose weight as well because they contain the 'good fats' and protein that will keep you satisfied and less likely to snack. (just watch your serving sizes) When you do want to prepare separate meals, i would suggest making a type of red meat for the family and maybe a chicken breast for yourself. its lighter on the fat and calories.
  • My husband is trying to add weight & muscle, and I'm obese, so obviously I'm trying to lose weight. We also have a preschooler, so I need to make sure she's getting the right nutrition as well. I agree that portion size is the way to do it--I personally have started using a food scale, so before I cook I can measure my 5 ounces of chicken and his 10 ounces, or whatever it is. I also agree to make sure to have plenty of high protein foods at all meals (that will help him build muscle AND keep you from being hungry, so it's a win-win for everyone). I searched online for "high protein low fat" recipes and am using those every day. I use protein bars as part of my eating plan to keep me from being hungry, and I am getting a higher calorie, higher protein bar as a supplement for DH's calories (Clif Builders is the one we're trying for him). We both have started tracking all our food on myfitnesspal (me to make sure I don't go over and him to make sure he's eating enough). Hope this helps, and good luck. And remember, you and your son are really working toward the same goal: a healthy weight for your body! It just happens that to get to that goal, you have to lose and he has to gain weight.
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