i've been a smoker for almost 2 years now will it be very easy for me to quit since i currently smoke 10 a day and i run alot
i want to go cold turkey starting now
soooo will it be very easy i need gooooood motivation other then becoming a runner
i want to be able to live my life without cigs again since i only smoked for a year and 9 months!


  • dianepilch
    dianepilch Posts: 3 Member
    You're already motivated enough to run. And motivated to be healthy. It only takes your decision to quit, starting now.

    After that, it's only a single decision...every time you might crave a cig, you decide that you won't indulge this time. Keep on making that single decision time after time (maybe take a brief run if it's a strong crave), and before you know it, you won't have smoked for a couple weeks, then a couple months, etc., etc.

    Good luck, you can do it!!
  • N8r8r
    N8r8r Posts: 75 Member
    i've been a smoker for almost 2 years now will it be very easy for me to quit since i currently smoke 10 a day and i run alot
    i want to go cold turkey starting now
    soooo will it be very easy i need gooooood motivation other then becoming a runner
    i want to be able to live my life without cigs again since i only smoked for a year and 9 months!

    2 years "smoke-sober" here; I went the cold turkey route. I can't say that the cravings ever totally go away, but it gets easier to overcome the urges. It's kinda like that with any kind of vice: It's a lot easier for me to pass up on the doughnuts now that I haven't had any of them for a while now either.

    Good luck, and remember...detox sucks, but it's totally worth it. You don't need the cigarette, even when you think you do. Your body craves the nicotine..but it doesn't NEED the nicotine. Good luck and feel free to PM me if you need any support/advice on quitting.

  • michellechawner
    I quit 3 years ago this week (yey!) and also only smoked for 2 years.

    I did it cold turkey after I was hospitalized with an infection. YES I still get cravings, but I haven't touched one since, even if I really wanted to.

    You can do it - Mind over Matter.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    if I can do it, anyone can!, I am now smoke free and run every day, and I never ever used to run!
    DO IT!
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I was smoking a lot while stationed in turkey almost a pack a day and i quite cold turkey like the 29th of Dec and have only had like 1 cig since I just hate how i feel running after smoking all day so i think of that
  • Moviegal77
    Moviegal77 Posts: 65 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!! When you can the urge do something else keep your hands busy.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    My hubby has been trying to quit I quit back in 2007 and I feel so much better. I went cold turkey my hubby is using the patchs both seem effective. I did a lot of yoga and running lol my hubby is just grumpy lol
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    I was a 10 a day smoker for 13 years. I quit ten months ago, cold. Fo rme, it was just about not wanting to smoke anymore. It is a disgusting habit and people who do it are dirty and disgusting. I'm so happy that is not me anymore!

    You can do it. Just WANT it more than anything.