Why hello people

Hey everyone, my name is Garrett, aka Gman, aka Thumper. Back in high-school i was an all around active guy, i played varsity football, varsity wrestling, FFA, and golf. But in 2007 my sophomore year i had a birthmark that was developing cancer cells right above my heart so i had to have it removed, but my body fought the stitches like an infection and my skin did not heel right. I was not allowed to wrestle or play football any more. At that point and time i was 6'1 weighed 180lbs by the time of my freshman year of college i was going in at a whopping 220 with my highest point of 245. The high point was after my gf of 3 years broke up with me and i went into a food for comfort zone. I now tend to fluctuate around 225-235 on average. I am ready to get back to my active lifestyle, thow i will not give up my food haha, just eat less of it.