Spinach is scary...

kganc001 Posts: 317
Tonight, I was dying for an egg white/spinach/skim milk cheese omelet. DELICIOUS. Except I'm left with a huge bundle of Spinach...and all I see are dramatic flashbacks to disgusting childhood meals. SO, what should I do to my leftover spinach to make it delectable (besides sautéing with garlic and EVOO)?! :)


  • racheljeanvickers
    Have you tried it as just salad greens? I think they're really good raw! :)
  • CatShelton
    CatShelton Posts: 147 Member
    I put it in everything! I get a big bunch or container of baby spinach fresh, and then put it in a ziploc in the freezer, then once its frozen I smoosh it up (it cracks easily that way) voila, instant chopped spinach. I put it in everything, rice, pasta sauces, had fajitas tonight with chopped spinach. I also make eggs with it every morning. Its also great in smoothies. You can't taste it at all once you had a fruit, and it is so good for you.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I love raw spinach salads, but unfortunately, I rarely eat salads. I like to cook all of my meals at the beginning of the week and freeze/refrigerate for the work week. :)
  • Coco_puff901
    Coco_puff901 Posts: 54 Member
    You could add some to a blended smoothie :-)
  • par57
    par57 Posts: 74
    I love eating spinach as a salad with fresh sliced strawberries, mandarin oranges, and some sliced almonds on top.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Might just be me but I have been using the big flat leaf kind for my sandwiches instead of lettuce it has turned out well so far. Dont know if that intrests you but figured Id mention it. I had a grilled chicken breast on lite white bread with fresh tomato and 1 tsp mayo and of course spinach ,low in cals to and filling I might add.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    If I have left over spinach that I am not going to use before it goes bad, I freeze it in plastic baggies and mix it into pasta sauces or other dishes later on, it works out great if you ask me!! :smile: (But I usually end up using it as salad)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I love using baby spinach in place of lettuce. For lunch, I usually make a wrap with spinach and veggie meats. For dinner, I often make a spinach salad. It's also nice since, if you sautee it on the stove, it reduces a lot, allowing you to pack a lot of spinach in a relatively small amount of food. It doesn't really reheat well, unfortunately.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    You could totally make-ahead salads! I don't think you could freeze them; I've never tried it. But I often make a huge salad at the beginning of the week and eat it throughout the week. I pack a salad in my lunch every day. Right now, there's a huge bowl of iceberg and spinach (and other veggies) in my fridge waiting to be packed for tomorrow's lunch. Just make sure it's in an air-tight container or a zip-lock bag to keep it fresh. I love spinach in my salad. Yum! :)

    For cooked recipes, you could try putting it in a quiche, a lasagna, a soup, a sandwich in place of lettuce.....
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    As a base for a salad is my usual approach...but sauteed in bacon grease is delicious (albeit tedious to prepare) too.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I will make a broth from any cut of meat then throw lots of spinach in at the end. Makes yummy soups and freezes well.

    *edited for spelling
  • dianamatienzo
    dianamatienzo Posts: 127
    My favorite meal with Spinach (which my boyfriend and I probably have 5 times a week) is a chicken fruit salad :) Sounds weird, I know :P I cut up 100 grams of spinach, add some chicken (usually around 80 grams), and go crazy adding fruit like blueberries and strawberries (even grapes), and then put a splash of balsamic vinegar :) I also add sugar to taste when the fruit I have isn't very sweet, but that's optional. It's my FAVORITE! Usually strawberries are the main fruit I add
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    -salad with sour cream and bacon and tomatoes and blue cheese I used to eat this all the time.
    -tossed lightly into pasta with pine nuts and light olive oil butter sauce with parmesan cheese.
    -crammed into a sandwich instead of lettuce, like turkey sandwich or ham with provolone, yum.
    -quiche since we already know you like it with eggs, I'd probably add ham or bacon to this too.
    -spinach artichoke dip, find a recipe online.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    We go through a lot of spinach. We mainly use it for salads, but I also use it for taco's instead of lettuce. I will put it on sandwiches. I usually put kale in my smoothies, but I bet spinach would work well too. My daughter puts it in lasagna.
  • _Risko_
    _Risko_ Posts: 183 Member
    I love spinach too.. I usually eat it in salads, with bits of fruits and nuts and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. But I also use it in recipes, like lasagna, chili, soups, etc.
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    You could add some to a blended smoothie :-)

    ^^^This. I used to blend about 10-15 baby spinach leaves in my protein shake and never tasted it in there. Now I just throw a handfull in a sandwhich bagy and eat it raw/plain at work.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    I put it in everything! I get a big bunch or container of baby spinach fresh, and then put it in a ziploc in the freezer, then once its frozen I smoosh it up (it cracks easily that way) voila, instant chopped spinach. I put it in everything, rice, pasta sauces, had fajitas tonight with chopped spinach. I also make eggs with it every morning. Its also great in smoothies. You can't taste it at all once you had a fruit, and it is so good for you.

    Yup. I do spinach based smoothies every morning.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    All of the above answers plus I make spinach pizza that is yummo! I usually use marinara sauce , then cook the spinach with ricotta cheese and onion and maybe a clove of garlic, and spread that on the pizza crust. If you want you can sprinkle on some crumbled bacon (doesnt take much, just a few slices for the entire pizza.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    such a fun word!