Old but new

Hello everyone. Ijust found out a couplee weeks ago that I have a heart condition. I have tried to loose weight but manage to loose energy when i get to my first goal managing to put the weight back on plus more. I need to get this extra weight off. I am in need of support to make this happen. I look forward to making new friends.


  • genofreek
    genofreek Posts: 75
    That's rough, but it's great that you decided to take the right steps! I'll add you, hopefully this time when you get the weight off, it'll stay off. :)
  • barbsdag
    barbsdag Posts: 16 Member
    I look at it this way, it didn't happen overnight that I gained the weight and, it sure isn't going to come off overnight. Have a plan, speak with your physician first and share your concerns, plan meals for 'tomorrow' tonight, what exercise you will do and, have a person that will hold you accountable. Remember, the only failure is not to pick ourselves up when we fall and begin again. Be encouraged!!! :happy: Barbara
  • dutchk
    dutchk Posts: 121 Member
    Hello from a proud Grandpa! I'll send along a FR.