All you INSANITY ppl - Answer this

In which week you saw the most results?

I know it can be different for everyone. I just want to know your most significance results showed up in what week? (please note: it's not when you "started" to see results because I know most people start to see some results by week 2 ;)

thanks y'all :)


  • I started Insanity on the 29th of April until May 14, I saw my result in 2 weeks. You see my front picture of my stomach fat get down.
  • Come the end of the second week, I couldn't really see any changes (I have a fair bit of a 'roll') but I could certainly FEEL the difference, the stomach muscles and whole abdominal area just feel a whole lot stronger, I could manage push ups, when before I couldn't do even one.... I have just started Week 6, when it steps up to max, and I am starting to see a little change in shape, not much but its there.

    Good Luck with it... #digdeeper!
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I started to see big changes during the first week of month 2. I really cleaned up my nutrition for month 2, so that plus the more intense workouts is what did it for me.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I am in week 7 and I'm seeing the biggest changes I think between last week and this week.
  • coldwishes
    coldwishes Posts: 49
    2nd/3rd week of month 1 I noticed a change in my fitness
    2nd week of month 2 I really noticed a massive change in inches lost
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I was at my goal weight when I first did Insanity..The first thing I noticed was shredded shoulders within about 2 weeks. My abs and calves looked better too.
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    thanks for replying everyone and great results!

    gorgeouslady: I can totally see so much difference in your stomach! in just the first two wks, wtg!

    Coldwishes: I hope it works the same for me

    I am in third week of the first month, I saw some changes especially in strength at the beginning of second week but its been stalling since then...... I put my 100% in all workouts but was wondering if/when will I see more changes. I really hope this isn't it for me and I will lose more inches. I will keep digging deeper :)

    ETA: Rosetears you have given me so much hope. Cant wait to reach week 7 (I struggle with thyroid/energy issues too)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    2nd month for me
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    2nd week of month 2 for me.. I haven't been eating the best either so that hasn't help either.... even though I couldn't always see it in my pictures.. I felt it in my clothes..
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I'm currently in week 3. Thanks for starting this thread! Now I know what to expect!
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    Excited to read more posts in this thread... I started this Monday. Hoping the Level 1 drills get easier!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I just started week 6. I noticed a change in my fitness level by week 3 of month one. I did Max Interval Circuit for the first time yesterday and am wonderfully sore today (sore enough to feel it but in a good way, lol). I can feel abs forming under my belly fat, especially obliques. I hear a lot of people say the inches drop like crazy month two, can't wait to see the finished product in 4 week!
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    Excited to read more posts in this thread... I started this Monday. Hoping the Level 1 drills get easier!

    wait until level 3 drills.......
  • nixerific
    nixerific Posts: 76 Member
    On day 24 I took a during picture and I could see huge results already. At the end of month one you will definitely see some changes.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Excited to read more posts in this thread... I started this Monday. Hoping the Level 1 drills get easier!

    wait until level 3 drills.......

    I was thinking the same thing "oooh you're gonna HATE month 2!" lol
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    I am on week 6 / Max Month. I saw some nice results around week 3 - by then I had lost 3 inches in my waist. For the last two weeks I've been eating Paleo and I can't wait to see my results at the end of the program!
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Is anyone doing the Fast diet (5:2) while doing Insanity? I am in my 8th week of the Fast Diet. I am not sure if I should change my diet when I start Insanity.
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I noticed week 3ish time frame but I was also running, playing hockey, pt so it looked like this:

    Mon- pt in the am, Insanity at lunch time
    Tues- Hockey in the am, Insanity at lunch time
    Weds- pt in the am, Insanity lunch time
    Thurs- Insanity Lunch time, running evening time
    Fri- hockey am, Insanity lunch time
    Sat- Long run day, Insanity
    Sun- Hockey night

    I lost 25lbs so far and going to start a hybrid Insanity, run, hockey, turbo fire, hip hop ab routine workout and see how that goes, I'm also a beachbody coach.........
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    :) excellent
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Excited to read more posts in this thread... I started this Monday. Hoping the Level 1 drills get easier!

    wait until level 3 drills.......

    I was thinking the same thing "oooh you're gonna HATE month 2!" lol

    OMG...level 3 drills.. >_< !!!!! Max Cardio Conditioning = *!^$(&$ ()&$#@%!#@ !!!!!