Couch to 5k in 9 weeks

kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi All, last week I started CoolRunning.Com's couch to 5k program. I have never been a runner, but I have limited time in the day to workout, so I thought if I could learn to run, I would burn max calories in the time I have. Are there any other new runners out there? Also, for you accomplished runners, I was thinking of getting a Nike+, but Nike shoes don't fit my feet. Does anyone use these sensors on other shoes? What about other ways to track your distance/time/steps, etc?


  • I am a 'new' runner...I did a small run last June, only trained for 4 weeks and not very well. I picked it up again in January and trained for 12 weeks and did a half-marathon. I lost 14.5 pounds while doing so and accomplished so much more. I never thought I could be a runner, and now I can't wait to get out and get more miles under these legs! Just don't do too much too fast, you don't want to get injured and have to stop:)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Welcome to running. Don't get to discouraged if you have to repeat a week. It happens to all of us, but great job at starting.

    To track distance/time when I did the C25K program I used a Timex Ironman watch that had a lap timer on it so I could time each run/walk segment. To track distance, I just used google earth. Now that I do longer distances, I have a Polar FT60 HRM and GPS.

    Good Luck.
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    I am just starting the same program :)

    As for the NIKE +, I use it, and I wear Reeboks and Asics. You can buy a clip that goes on your laces that works just as good as the Nike shoe :)
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    I have one day left of week 3, and it feels great! Like you I was never much of a runner and thought this would be a good way to get into it. For tracking how far I'm going, I use the podcasts at That podcast follows the Couch to 5k program and it will tell you when to walk and when to run, as well as a few motivational blurbs thrown in here and there, works great for me. For distance, I just map my route using google maps so I know how far I went. Once I get into it more and can actually run longer distances, I'll probably get the GPS attachment to my heart rate monitor.

    One thing I highly recommend if you haven't already is to get some decent running shoes. My first run was with a pair of cheap Walmart "running" shoes, and they just sucked. I went to a local store specializing in runners and got a good pair of shoes, and it is a night and day difference.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My cousin (never a runner, has lost over 50 lbs) did the Couch to 5k and went from being able to run barely 1 minute to over 30 minutes continuously. It's my next goal to add, as well as Spin class (I'm still scared I will die of a heart attack before the 45 minutes are up! LOL!)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I just started it yesterday!! So welcome and good luck!! I've never been a runner either, so I'm hoping this will help me ease into jogging :) Here's a thread I found:
  • Hi I never imagined being a runner either but after seeing them do the first marathon on the biggest loser I started having this burning desire so I am now doing C25K also and I am on week 4 day 1.

    As for the Nike piece my hubby is a runner and he wear asics he uses a clip and put it on his shoe laces it works great for him. Maybe one day I will need one also I am running my first 5k this Saturday im super excited!!

    Here's to wishing you well with the world of running:drinker:
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    I am using those podcasts. Actually, I am using the words and I put my own music to it. Its really great.
    Thanks for all the advice. I do need a new pair of shoes, that is next on my list.
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