Plus Size Modeling



  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    <---Former plus-sized model here. Have a friend take some full-body shots and a couple face shots. Wear something that will show your figure and plain and simple makeup. Submit these to agencies. You don't need to spend a lot of money up front. The agencies will tell you if you're "model material". But not all agencies are looking for the same thing, so submit to all of them. If one of them picks you up, then you can start looking at spending money on headshots and cards.

    You can try to see if there are photographers in your area that do TFP shoots (trade for prints). But be careful. There are a whole lot of pervs out there. And don't comprimise your limits for a free shoot. Not worth it. Ever.

    And yes, you can be "plus-sized and healthy". Ignorance abounds in this arena. Plus sized models in the US seem to start in the size 8-10 area. I was 5'9" and 165 lbs, size 12.

    Good luck!
  • AnyaDee
    AnyaDee Posts: 19
    Agree with SarahCate79.

    I did modeling for fun and started out on ModelMayhem to find photographers looking to build their profile (worked for free) so I could have a portfolio. I got a lot of creepy messages as well as people who thought I was just too big. I was a size 14 when I was active on it but I was too big or too small.
    It did lead me to work a hair show which was really fun. But I was rejected multiple times which slashed my self esteem because I was big. Find a support group so you can take someone with you to work.
    I also tried out for ANTM for fun to see the process. Never wanted to go on the show, just wanted to see the process. I waited 8 hours for five minute action.

    I wish you the best. :)
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    Siena is not really that far based with her comments. Plus size models by definition are models that wear plus-size clothing. Plus-size clothing was a general term given to clothing proportioned specifically for overweight people.
    That said most Plus Size Models nowadays model more average sized clothes, which is a good thing that promotes healthy weight; however, to say that plus size modeling does not have any basis in root with being overweight is wrong as well.
    Just my $.02. That said I have met several Plus Size Models that are healthy, just as I have met several Plus Size Models that were not healthy. I have also met healthy models, though I will admit fashion designers tend to demand them to be an unhealthy weight, similar to ballerina dancers.