Protein bars and powders?

So I see a lot of people eating, drinking and cooking with them.. I was always under the idea that they are to bulk you up and make you massive body builders.. As dumb as it sounds ..

I was wondering the benefits? I need to start maintenance, tone up a bit etc.. Does It make you gain?


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I use them to increase my protein to hit my macros.
  • Essential amino acids (which protein contains) do play a massive role in gaining muscle. This doesn't mean the more essential amino acids you consume the more muscle you will gain. Lifting weights will cause stress on the muscle fibers and will actually break apart the muscle fiber itself. Essential amino acids (in which you get from protein) will come in and help repair the damaged fibers bigger and stronger than before. You won't become "bulky" by putting on muscle. Adipose tissue (body fat) is what makes people look bulky, muscle makes you look leaner, tighter, and more athletic.

    Protein bars/powders are not by any means essential. They can be a great tool to use if you have trouble hitting your daily protein, and protein does have a very good amino acid profile (more essential amino acids, less non-essential amino acids)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I use whey protein post workout to aid in recovery and help meet my protein goal.

    Eating a surplus of calories above your TDEE is what makes one gain weight, not any particular food or supplement.

    "Toning up" is achieved through a combination of losing fat and maintaining lean body mass. Protein powder doesn't directly have much to do with that at all. Continue to lose fat by eating at a slight caloric deficit. Lift weights to maintain your lean body mass and shape your body.

    Protein bars/powders can help meet your protein goal along the way, but are not a must. Many people are able to meet their protein goals without supplementing at all.
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    /\ What they said.

    I think protein powders are associated with bulking because when people are trying to gain muscle they have to eat a LOT of calories, and drinking protein shakes is an easy way of getting the extra calories and protein needed for building muscle.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I use whey protein post workout to aid in recovery and help meet my protein goal.

    Eating a surplus of calories above your TDEE is what makes one gain weight, not any particular food or supplement.

    THIS :flowerforyou: