Tired everyday since I started my diet

Hey everyone !

I've started my diet 9 days ago and I do workout at the gym everyday (except sunday).

I do 1 hour of cardio and burn 300-400 kcal.

Every morning I wake up more tired than the morning before and I sleep 8-9 hours.

I dont know I kind of feel sick but is it normal or maybe should I take some proteins?

Thank you :)


  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    What is your calorie intake per day?
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    No it's not normal or healthy. Sounds like you need to eat more/better. Open your diary if you want people to be able to help.
  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    If you've gone from being relatively sedentary it's probably that you are doing too much, especially if your calorie intake has been reduced. Try only going to the gym every other day and taking a long walk on your rest days. That way you will be active every day, but not pushing so much. You have forever to do this! If you go too hard too soon you might burn out.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    When you say should you take some proteins do you mean you are not taking any? Im sure you dont mean this just wondering,you must have protein carbs fats in your diet also plenty of water,sounds to me you are running on too little fuel! Its simple eat enough to satisfy your hunger,eat good food lay off the junk,otherwise you will make yourself weak!
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    If you are really doing an hour of cardio you are burning waaaaay more than 300-400 kcal. That's like 5 calories a minute, or approximately walking 3 to 4 miles an hour.

    And more than likely your calorie intake is too low. Don't forget, at 18 yrs old your body is still growing. Gotta feed it.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Usually when one goes on a "diet" it involves restricting certain food items - commonly red meat. Lack of Iron can make you feel exhausted. Be sure to take some multi-vitamins to get your energy up.

    Can't see your diary but be sure you eat enough and eat back your exercise calories so the weight you lose stays off.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    eat more
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    1: Put in some rest days. You shouldn't overwork the same muscle groups every day - which is what you are doing going from zero to workouts every day.In a while you'll be able to do what you do now every day and just feel better for it, but right now you don't give yourself time to recuperate.

    2: Make sure that you don't just eat less, you also need to eat healthier. When you eat less, you have less options to get all the important nutrients, and so you may be missing out on something if you don't make sure to eat very well.

    3: Drink water. You'll be retaining water due to the unfamiliar work-outs, and the only way to lose that is by drinking enough. Retaining water can also make you feel off, so that may be enough to help.

    4: Get used to the diet. If you have for instance cut down on carbs, you may still have low blood-sugar, until your body gets used to your new way of eating. You don't have to be on a low-carb diet for that: If you are used to eating food with a high sugar content and not a lot of fiber, cutting out the candy can give you this reaction.

    5: Make sure to eat breakfast. Get started with a real meal in the morning, and you have more energy through the day. It's better to be hungry and tired at night, when you can jjust go to bed, than in the morning, with the whole day in front of you.

    Good luck!
  • I was feeling the same way, and with a toddler and an infant, it's hard. Now I'm giving myself a good boost, by eating a large breakfast in the morning that includes a lot of fruits. Fruits have iron and vitamins to keep you going.

    Also don't stop eating meat. It's necessary for your body. Make sure you are taking more than 1300 calories daily (plus your exercise calories).

    Also multivitamins and iron supplements can help a lot. Don't rely on coffee and sugar. I found that both of these make me depressed and more tired later on.

    Also a glass of milk a day (full fat) makes me less hungry and gives me some energy as well. And avoid dehydration, make sure you get your 8 glasses of water.

    And don't forget meals full of iron, vitamins and fiber, such as lentils, beans, peas, rice, vegetables such as okra, zucchini, eggplant etc.

    Proper nutrition is key. You will find that the meals that have the most vitamins, fiber and iron are those who have very few calories anyway.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I sort of doubt that protein is at issue here; there are a number of things to check though.

    1. Make sure your caloric intake is adequate and that your goals are logical. Your profile pic looks relatively thin... it may be a pic of when you were at your goal weight... Just make sure that you have a goal weight within your healthy range. Many young ladies your age aspire for goals less than what is a healthy weight... Do not attempt to set your caloric intake below 1200 or below a 1-2 pound weight loss per week... (no more than one pound per week if you are near your goal weight -- 2 pounds is for if you are obese which I doubt is the case)

    2. Fatigue is more a function of iron and B complex vitamins. A good multi-vitamin with iron may help with this and plenty of green, leafy vegetables. Balance.

    3. Make sure you fuel your body for your exercise. Many don't understand that the function of exercise is more for health and not so much to speed up weight loss. Your food is there to fuel your body for the activities of the day.

    4. If your goal is to get stronger (and this is a worthy goal).. and look lean, then yes, protein will help in building muscle... don't be afraid of getting bulky like a man. That is more a function of hormones (testosterone) than it is of lifting heavy. Lifting will help tone up and tighten up so you can weigh more but look leaner... I think this is where a lot of young ladies miss it... They feel that they are overweight when they really are just not in good physical shape and need strength training.

    5. If your fatigue continues, see a doctor. It is possible that this is unrelated to your weight loss and you may have come down with something...

    Best wishes on attaining your goals... :happy:
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    eat more
    ^^^^this.simple solution really who knew
  • Hey everyone : thank you so much for your advices !

  • lnxjenn
    lnxjenn Posts: 64 Member
    Balance out your eating and make sure you are getting enough nutrients. Vitamins are also very valuable.

    Also, alternate your workouts. Only doing cardio every day for two weeks, is just going to make you tired and your muslces tired. Alternate with some light weighs and strength type training, and you should feel a bit better, working different muscles. Try different workouts... if you are doing only the elliptical, try the bicycle or try cycling to places. Or try running or walking or even better HIKING! :happy: Hiking is one of my favourites!

    variation will also keep your mind more interested, and keep from getting bored with your workouts. So, do your gym workouts on certain days but set aside days to get out and go for a hike or cycle ride or swimming or something fun! Play a sport you like on saturdays or something! Find something you enjoy!!