Severe Lack of Motivation/Energy.. Need Help!!

There are so many places I could put this but figured here was my best bet..

So the past month or so, I have lost all energy no matter what I do. I dont know what is wrong and it is really scewing with me mentally and physically. Here is what I know from my past dr appointments.

1. I am anemic due to bleeding out three out of four weeks at a time for over six years (Has since been controlled with BC but I am still severely anemic)
2. I have now had the Mirena IUD for about three months (I had depo for about a year and a half before implantation)
3. Because of depo.. My calcium levels are really low.
4. I have very bad blood circulation (genetics?)
5. I have severe GERD (before medication it was "I cant eat and lost about 50 lbs in two months" severe)
6. My sleep is so screwed up and I havent been able to do anything about it. Not even sleepytime teas like camomile help.

Okay.. So the bad... I DONT LIKE TAKING PILLS!!! Like AT ALL. I dread taking pills for pain even. I technically should be taking vitamin B and Iron supplements and my prilosec and calcium. But not only do I hate taking them.. They (even the prilosec) activates my gerd to the point where I throw up.

Yes.. There is a TON of stress in my life right now.

I cant go to the DRs so please dont say go to them. I have no money and no insurance. I just dont know what to do anymore. It is a struggle to even get out of bed.

My diet is generally pretty good. The past two and a half weeks I fell off the band wagon and actually lost another pound (wfh?)

I am just sooo tired of not being able to do anything. I think it is mostly lack of sleep but I dont even know anymore. I can sleep for 12 hours (its broken up in like 3-4 hour segments with about a ten minute half-conscious period between each section) and still wake up exhausted. I can sleep 8 hours and still wake up tire. A four hour nap and im still tire. No different amount is working. Just soo damn tire.

Any ideas/advice/suggestions?


  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    No one?
  • Kreider86
    Kreider86 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not sure I have much advice for you, but I do want to say I know what you're going through.. I've been there. Was very depressed for a while.. not sure what got me out of my funk other than life seemed to start going better? I also am currently on depo and have heard it can affect your calcium levels. I HATE taking pills as well. Found a calcium supplement with vitamin D that my doctor said I should take.. it's a chew and for some reason I take that a lot easier than pills.. it even tastes pretty good. Walmart sells them ( ..(they have raspberry and chocolate flavored as well) Also, gummy vitamins... I keep these out on the counter so I always remember. Wish you the best of luck! Not sure what is causing you to be tired. Hopefully some more informed people on here are able to help :)
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    I have thought about the gummies. Only problum is.. With all thebs.. I have to have excess of somethings which cant be found in a multivit. Sigh. Maybe Im just gunna have to suck it up and take the pills. I just dont wanna throwup...
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236