Wanting to lose weight for running



  • I've eaten 2300 and am 327 under my goal. It just feels like 2300 is too much to lose weight :( I'm 860 net. I guess will see what happens....
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If you run and cycle a lot, there's a law of diminishing returns in how much you burn because you become very efficient at it. I put on weight while marathon training! I think using a TDEE method works better for those of us who do lots of long, steady-state cardio. Check out In Place Of A Road Map:

    Definitely read this link.

    Also, if you are eating at a deficit and running a lot, you have to pay special attention to your macros (especially protein). Runners have a bit of a culture of carb overload, and it's important to get plenty of carby fuel for your running, but you don't want to lose lean body mass if you're reducing your intake. Getting sufficient protein is important to retain LBM while on a diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've eaten 2300 and am 327 under my goal. It just feels like 2300 is too much to lose weight :( I'm 860 net. I guess will see what happens....

    That net is far too low!
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Well, weight loss is a simple formula. There are lots of different programs and opinions out there but ultimately it boils down to calories in versus calories out. If you are not losing weight and there is not a medical reason why you are not losing then you are eating to many calories.

    Out of curiosity, how far did you run today, for how long, and what was your average HR? I looked at your diary and 1450 calories burned is a heck of a run. I am 200+ lbs and I have to run 2 hours to get those numbers. I guess where I am going with this, is are you overestimating your calories burned? It looks like you are eating most of your exercise calories and if they are being overestimated then that could be part of the problem.
  • That burn was for a 5 mile run (350 cals) and 2 hours 45 cycling
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    That burn was for a 5 mile run (350 cals) and 2 hours 45 cycling

    OK, that sounds about right then!!

    I know me personally, I very seldom eat back all my exercise calories. At the most it is usually half but most the time I only dip a 100 or so calories out of my exercise calories burned. I will usually on average burn 500 to 600 calories in exercise in a day. On my long run day I burn anywhere from 1100 to 1400 calories. Usually about 2 or so hours of running. Those are the days where I will eat back about half of my calories burned.
  • So I have some people saying I'm eating too many ex cals back and others saying my net is too low.

    I'm confused!!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    This would be a really good avatar for you girl-running-md.png

    I got it from http://www.clker.com/clipart-girl-running-6.html

    I think you would have to go there down load it on your computer and upload it to your profile to use it.
  • Love it :) on my phone at mo but will do it tomorrow
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Yep, your net calories right there may be an issue. If you are training as hard as 4 hours a day at times, you need to make sure you're not netting 800 calories a day because MFP automatically assumes a deficit anyway - so you are restricting upon restricting.

    I would really encourage bumping up calories. It's daunting, scary and unpredictable and may take a while to take effect, but I do think it will help.
  • Ok, well I'm a bit torn now between eating all my exercise cals back, and not from what people are saying. Differing opinions.

    I weighed myself this morning, bit less than I thought, and I'm 1lb down on last week so thats good. (9 stone 6.2 now) Now I'm logging everything, I will try and get into the 9.5s next week, haven't been back down there for a while :) Aiming to be under 9 stone by the autumn.
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    Added you!

    I'm the same age and am at a similar stagnant stage :grumble:
  • THanks :) Welcome all friends to add me and check out my diary and offer help. I really want this.
  • Yesterday I wasn't very well and I missed my gym sessions. I ate just under 1,600 calories which was 400 over my goal of 1,200 :(

    Luckily I feel much better today and have been to the gym already and been for a run and will go again later so will be able to eat about 2,400-2,500 today :)

    Does anyone else feel bad when they see their goal is red not green? :(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Ok, well I'm a bit torn now between eating all my exercise cals back, and not from what people are saying. Differing opinions.

    I weighed myself this morning, bit less than I thought, and I'm 1lb down on last week so thats good. (9 stone 6.2 now) Now I'm logging everything, I will try and get into the 9.5s next week, haven't been back down there for a while :) Aiming to be under 9 stone by the autumn.

    how tall are you if you want to be under 9 stone?

    maybe you need to be looking at bodyfat% instead of scale weight?
  • JayD8924
    JayD8924 Posts: 5
    Top tip from me, forget going to the gym and using any machines. Get out and do a mile n a half every day under 10mins 30 seconds. Within a week I bet you drop off at least 30seconds and loose weight.

    I run this in 7mins 55seconds with an 800m warm up prior to it.

    Getting out and running is the best fat loss you can get hands down.
  • I'm 5'4-5'5.

    There is plenty to come off around my tummy and bum. I was under 9 stone for a while about 18 months ago but struggling to get back there!
  • Top tip from me, forget going to the gym and using any machines. Get out and do a mile n a half every day under 10mins 30 seconds. Within a week I bet you drop off at least 30seconds and loose weight.

    I run this in 7mins 55seconds with an 800m warm up prior to it.

    Getting out and running is the best fat loss you can get hands down.

    Under 10.30 is really easy for me. I'm a competitive runner, and that's the reason I want to lose weight. I'm an endurance athlete, why on EARTH would I want to do a mile and a half a day?!?!?! I currently run about 60 miles a week and cycle about 300-350 miles a week.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm 5'4-5'5.

    There is plenty to come off around my tummy and bum. I was under 9 stone for a while about 18 months ago but struggling to get back there!

    and your running didnt suffer when you were at that weight?

    i think you should focus on fat loss, and ditch the scales.

    i am not a runner so i dont know how much you NEED to do per day/week for the competitions you do, but given that you do a lot of exercise, you need to fuel your body properly.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    So I have some people saying I'm eating too many ex cals back and others saying my net is too low.

    I'm confused!!!

    Welcome to MFP...there are more "experts" here than on any site I've ever visited.

    I am a fairly new runner, although I do get out 6 days a week and average about 25 MPW or so. I consistantly net under 1200 calories a day, and a lot of times it is under 1000 and I have been doing this for about 7 months, all while continually increasing my mileage and feeling great doing it. I am losing on average about 1 1/2 pounds a week. I'm not saying that everyone should eat as little as me, but it IS working for me, regarless what any internet doctors say.

    My suggestion is to chart everything that goes in your mouth. Pick a calorie limit, MFP's suggestions are a good place to start, and do that for a couple weeks and see what your weight does. If it doesn't move, then cut back a hundred or so calories per day...then do that for a couple weeks. You may find that you can net 1200 a day and lose...or you may be like me and have to eat a little less.

    Don't take anything anyone here say for gospel, including me. Try it for yourself, but make sure you give it time and don't expect overnight results.

    Good luck and keep at it.