How can i improve my eating habbits.

Well they arent so much eating habbits but i suck at diets because i am such a fussy eater.

At lunch i always have a ham sandwhich since leaving school its always beem a ham sandwhich, its the only thing i like in sandwhichs i dont mind adding lettuce and cucumber to it sometimes though.

For tea i typically have.either chicken breast with salad.
Smoked haddock with salad.
1 slice of toast, scrambled or poached egg with beans.
I used to enjoy rice and chicken together but rice has so many calories in it i stopped.eating it especially when i had to put quite a biy of salt and vinegar on it to add flavor.
Or jacket potato with salad.

Im ok eating these for now but at some point i am bound to get bored of these foods, i have no idea why i am such a fussy eater, i
always have been and i find its mostly unhealthy fatty foods i like and i like very few healthy foods as you can tell by my wide range above. Im scared of trying new food i dont know why but i refuse to put something into my mouth that i may not like.