looking for interesting forms of exercise and support

Hi, I'm very new to this website, and am embarking on my weight loss journey on my own. I'm not really getting any support or motivation from my family, but thats ok, I'll try to do this for myself by myself. I was wondering what everyone thinks about buying a bike and going for a ride by myself. ? I thought it would be a nice form of exercise and some time to get out and clear my head. I also bought a zumba kit. Which has not been opened yet. I've recently moved and need to set up a t.v. or something with a dvd player in a private spot, so i'm not hogging the main t.v. in the living room. If anyone has any ideas of fun things to get me moving let me know, and please give me your opinion on a bike. Any friends, help or motivation i can get at this point would be very appreciated. I weigh 168 ,i am 5 foot 7 . i would just love to see the scale moving in the right direction at this point.:flowerforyou:


  • Sharpe2103
    Sharpe2103 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Pinky6767,

    For me the bike is a great idea! I myself ride to and from work 3-4 times a week, It's about a 14 mile round trip. What i find is it is a good sport to do by yourself, but is great to do with friends or family. I would advise you to start with small distances, don't go entering the Tour De France just yet!! And build up when you get confident. but first and formost be safe, ensure you have all the safety stuff like helmet and hi viz clothing.

    I would like to wish you all the best, please post your updates so we can see how you go :)
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55
    Hey Sharpe2103,

    Thank you sooo, much for the quick response. I think your right. If, i get a bike, at least i can start small, take note of the distance i am comfortable going and aim to increase it frequently. With the weather being so beautiful lately, it would be nice to get out in the sunlight. I'll be sure to put off the Tour De France. heeheee for at least a couple weeks. I'm going to shop around in the next couple days. I'll keep you posted on when i get my new bike. I can't wait to set out on my new cycling journey. Thank you so much on your quick response. If you don't mind me asking ? have you kept track how much weight you've lost since you've stated riding to work ? and in about what length of time til you saw any results ?

    Thanks again!! I feel excited and pumped now !! haahaaa
  • cpayne56
    cpayne56 Posts: 12
    Good luck with the bike - my bum is still too big for a bike without me feeling embarrassed about it. So I am hitting the weights and the gym to try to tone up as I lose weight.
    Not very interesting I know but it will be a first for me.

    Done well so far without exercise but now I feel I can do some without feeling I am about to die!

    I did think about swimming but don't really like getting wet and am rubbish at swimming.

    All the best with your bike

  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    Hi, good luck with your goals! I too enjoy cycling and zumba type dancing too. I also enjoy walking and running but I don't do the gym. Basically, I would choose those exercises you most enjoy doing. They are the ones that you are likely to stick with!
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55

    Have you thought about a swimming aerobics class ? You don't actually need to be able to swim, as you never go into water above your chest. Since your in the water, its better on the joints and low impact. Just a thought . I'm working on finding fun creative ways to lose weight because i have done the gym and i tend to get bored or lack the motivation to get to the gym after a long day. But, the main hurdle is to force yourself to get to that gym even when your feeling lazy. heeheee

    Let me know how you do. If you'd like someone to talk to you can send me a message anytime.:smile:
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I wish that I had a bike, so I endorse that idea.

    If you're looking for an effective, efficient workout, I'll toss DDP Yoga onto the table. It works for me.
  • MadisonLeo
    MadisonLeo Posts: 89
    Weighted hula hooping! Great form of cardio and it also works to strengthen your core muscles. Low impact and it is a nice add on to your regular workout. For example, you can ride your bike for an hour or more, then come home and do 20 minutes minimum of the hoop.

    Here is the website I purchased mine from, however, some fitness and sporting goods stores now carry them as well.

  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55
    Four years ago i was living in british columbia, canada. I walked everyday with friends. 6km a day to be exact. Then i got to the point i would run and walk it. One summer i was doing it twice a day. I got myself down to 121 pounds. I looked great and felt great. Then i moved, and didn't anyone to motivate me or walk with. With that said, thats how i ended up weighing 168 pounds. I want to get ahold of it before i feel its gotten too far.
    I admit i feel afraid to embark on this alone, and a little lost. But, you guys have been great help this morning with your support and suggestions.

    Thank you sooo, much, and i look forward to hearing more from you:heart:
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55
    Hey madisonleo,

    Omgosh heeheee that hoola hoop idea sounds awesome and fun. I used to hoola hoop as a kid and loved it. I'm gonna check a few sports stores here in my city and if i can't find one,i'm gonna sooo order one. Its definately one thing i can do myself. Anywhere. heeeheee

    Thanks for the idea:happy:
  • Sharpe2103
    Sharpe2103 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Pinky,

    I have now been riding for around three years my original weight was around 17 stone. The weightloss started fairly slow, but please do give it time! My current weight is just under 16 stone, but i am more muscle now than i use to be so am happy, i just want ot lose a little bit more.

    I would be interested to know what bike you go for too :)
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I just bought a bike - hadn't ridden one in probably 20 years. It's great! I now ride to and from the train to work (only about 10 minutes each way). Don't be scared if your butt/crotch area hurts the first few times on the bike - just keep riding and the pain will go away after a few rides!
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55
    Hey Sharpe,

    Well, as far as i'm concerned. Slow is better than nothing, and way better than gaining !! right ? I'm guessing by your "stone weights" that thats a british measurement?
    Is it about 10 pounds per stone ?
    I will try to be extremely patient . Of course we all want a quick fix.heehee but that never seems to work.

    If you'd like to add me as a friend, that would be great. I will keep you up to date on my cycling career hahahaha and am interested in hearing how your doing :happy:
  • msmiddleton24
    msmiddleton24 Posts: 2 Member
    That's a good idea, you also can dance from a wii game or xbox, that's good because I love to dance, anything fun you like to do add it to your exercise. Skating is good too, you will be okay by your self just put it in your head , you doing it for you!
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55

    I can believe the bum cam totally get sore, but maybe thats the push i need. At least if i feel something, i'll know i'm doing something in the right direction. If you'd like to friend me, we can help to push each other to ride further each week and keep track of our progress:smile:
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55

    Thats soooo true. I really want this to be for myself. I had a wii and i used to use it all the time to jog in the house , ski off ramps heeheee and hoola hoop. Unfortunately , it didn't quit make it in the move across canada. When i left i didn't take any furniture or t.v. I put my dog in my truck a suitcase, mailed a couple totes, and away i went. I drove all the day to the opposite side of canada.
    It was a nine day drive.

    But, now i have a house in a great neighbourhood, close to everything and am done wallowing in pity. I'm ready to rock this haahaaaha
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Pinky,

    Yes, Stone is a British weight measurement: 1 stone=14 pounds
    Riding a bike is a great form of exercise, as others have said start small; I started using the Wii Fit I was so unfit it had to be very gentle. A year later I've joined a gym. Look for excuses to move, you said you walked a lot when you were in BC; are there any walking groups in your area? Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ChanceTakr2131
    I Pole dance! It's a really great way to get into fantastic shape and it's NEVER boring!! :heart:
  • pinky6767
    pinky6767 Posts: 55
    YYYAAAAAYYYYY !! i bought my bike today !!

    Its a baby blue classic cruiser !!! sorta looks like a 50's bike !!
    Now , to get my butt into gear and get out and ride tomorrow!!
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    BODYFLEX.....it is from the 90's, it is by a woman named Greer Childers, it looks ridiculous, it takes 15 mins to do, it is easy, and I have lost 36.5 inches in 20 weeks.....thats 15 on waist, 12 on hips, and 9.5 on chest......
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Cycling is good - and when you get in to it, try and replace trips to the shops etc with cycling.
    In a lot of situations in the small to medium sized town I live in, it's quicker to cycle than take a car and about the same as a motorbike.

    When I started riding some years ago I'd ride until I couldn't really go on - then turn back.
    Quickly got to the point I was out for hours.

    If you've got a dog and it's well trained, you could see about riding with the dog.

    I have to becareful because my dog is still a bit dog-aggressive, but providing I keep a good look out have him running with me cycling off-leash. If it's busy I'll stick him on a lead because he can scare people if he decides to be friendly (just going up to sniff them etc) with being a skinny (so quite big for his weight) 45kg.