Looking for friends with similar goals/interests/lifestyle

kpepin3 Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone! I’m looking for friends who are willing to give support, but also want a bit of support in return. Although I realize we are each responsible for our own success and health changes, I want to add people who have similar goals/interests/lifestyle - there is something about having a motivational “team” that urges you onward to help you reach your goal…that, to me, seems to be the point of this site.

Anyway, a bit about me: I’m a nursing student, mother to a toddler, and plan on joining the national guard before the year is out. These are my motivating factors for wanting to lose the last 15 or so pounds and start toning up (I’ve been on MFP since last August, and have lost about 79 lbs since I had my daughter in 2011 (about 39 since I started using MFP)).

Some of my goals are: decrease two-mile time, increase upper body strength, and to lose several inches in my hips (pear-shaped woman here).

Feel free to add me if it seems like would could be good motivational friends :)