Hey, Everyone! (Down 115 pounds!)

Hi, Everyone!

My name is Lee, and on July 6th, 2012, I weighed 310 pounds. Through hard work, food tracking (I was/am still using DailyBurn tracker) and a lot of exercise, I have lost over 115 pounds, and currently weigh around 195.

The forums at Dailyburn are pretty dead, and I see that MyFitnessPal has a very active (and somewhat adversarial!) forum. I must admit, I've been lurking here for a while.

Briefly, I don't believe in low/no carb. I believe in calories in vs. calories out. I believe in eating what you want in moderation, and, most of all, making BETTER decisions. I believe that Calories in vs. Calories Out needs the caveat that the person is a rational actor, and is indeed acting rationally! :)

I'm a 32 year old male, happily married, with two beautiful daughters. I have a few "then and now" pictures as well... I'm super proud of what i've accomplished.

Worried about loose skin, but that's a conversation for a different thread.

Nice to be a member here!



  • crumbliss2010
    crumbliss2010 Posts: 42 Member
    wow congrats you've lost a lot of weight and it didnt even take you long!! once again congratulations!!
  • LoudmouthLee
    LoudmouthLee Posts: 358
    Thank you! I worked really hard. I was losing an average of 2.5 pounds per week under doctor supervision. Picture of the loss here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aacd06rp58q3wp7/310to200.jpg
  • Sutol
    Sutol Posts: 2 Member
    you wouldn't believe you were the same guy from the photo, you've done really well. The smiles on the photo should be the other way round though. Congrats :)
  • kreyna0
    kreyna0 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Lee, You're an inspiration to me as I am new at this.... I just joined myfitnesspal and I am finding it a lot easier to keep track of my habbits and finding inspiration to make new ones. I too find that calorie count is the best way to measure...I look forward to reading more about your progress.
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations on your achievements!! u really work very hard and your picture looks very motivating. If u wouldn't mind, can u share the kind of exercise you did
  • mshotfry
    mshotfry Posts: 1
    WOW that is amazing and you should be so proud of yourself. I have worked hard myself and i am down 55lbs. So rite about the eat what you want in moderation i still enjoy all the foods i love. I work out 5 times a week and so i feel that I can have those foods. Its so great to feel good about myself again. Keep going you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dawnmg81
    dawnmg81 Posts: 10 Member
    WOW!!! That is amazing. Very inspirational. I wouldnt even think it was the same person in the pictures. Great job!!!
  • Pumpitusa
    Pumpitusa Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, i'm in the same boat. Through sports i have bad shoulders and foot. hat kind of exercises did you do and how often. I am 46 and want to see 47. You are truely an inspiration for the dedication. Hats off to you. I am 330 and want to get to 200 so bad I can taste it. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • lifechanges77
    lifechanges77 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations, Lee! My philosophy is similar (eat in moderation, calories in/out) and so far it is working well for me. My weight loss track is about the same as yours. I was over 300 pounds a couple of years ago. I started MFP in February at 271 and now I'm at 230, working towards 200. It's great to see success stories. Welcome!

  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Welcome!! We think alike in the way you described how you lost weight. Calorie in and calorie out, better choices and everything in moderation. Congrats on your 115 lbs down! That's something to be proud of.
  • wow..you look great...what an accomplishment!
  • AmandaWalt628
    AmandaWalt628 Posts: 51 Member
    Amazing! Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Good luck with continuing your journey :flowerforyou:
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Amazing stuff! I am doing the calories in/out but throwing in low carb stuff. I know that carbs are essential, but mostly trying to get rid of the worthless simple carbs that don't do me any good. Glad you've done so well and good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • LoudmouthLee
    LoudmouthLee Posts: 358
    Check out the love! :)

    In regards to my exercise routine:

    I started, at 310 pounds, just riding a bike. I would be completely gassed after 20 minutes. Completely. 2 weeks in, I fell off and fractured a rib.

    I decided I was going to stick with it, with small goals: #1) I wanted to be able to do a 7 mile ride by the end of the summer (to my inlaws). #2) By the following year, I wanted to complete a quarter century (25 miles).

    I rode every day. Never really more than half hour, but I rode every day. Within 2 weeks, I had done my 7 mile ride, and by the end of the summer, I had actually completed 2 quarter centuries...

    Then, Hurricane Sandy hit, but I had the wherewithal to lock up and shelter the bike before hand. I needed something new to do. My weight loss was becoming stagnant (Only around 5 pounds for the month of November, when all other months were closer to 10).

    I began climbing up and down stairs. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it was the way to go for me. I loved it. I felt like I was getting in shape. I would do a mix of stair climbing and walking, and soon afterwards, major stair climbing. I generally (according to my fitbit), go up and down 60+ flights of stairs in 20 minutes.

    I had signed up for the Climb to the Top for MS research, which was a climb to the top of Rockefeller center. I, at that time, bought a gym membership for the stairclimbing machine. I finished the race in 13 minutes and 43 seconds, in 148th place out of 1000+.

    Completely by accident, I had been cross training while climbing the stairs. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was becoming a runner as well. Now, my schedule looks like this:

    Monday: Stationary Bike for 10 miles (30 minutes), 60 flights of stairs (while at work! - 20 minutes), and a 2 1/4 mile brisk walk during lunch.

    Tuesday: Run on treadmill for 1 mile, 2 1/2 miles on the Stationary Bike, and a Tabata set of Crunches (20 minutes), 60 flights of stairs (20 minutes) and a 2 1/4 mile lunch walk.

    Wednesday - Run a 5k at the gym and a 2 1/4 mile brisk walk.

    Thursday - Just a 2 1/4 mile brisk walk.

    Friday: Run on treadmill for 1 mile, 2 1/2 miles on the Stationary Bike, and a Tabata set of Crunches (20 minutes), 60 flights of stairs (20 minutes) and a 2 1/4 mile lunch walk.

    Saturday and Sunday: Run a mile, and Weight Training