Looking for female friends 5.1-5.3 with 60+ to lose

Hi, I'd like to make my circle of friends bigger on Mfp . Looking for short females that have at least 60 pounds to lose, it Would be interresting to compare. i know everybody is different but i feel like we could associate more with similar goals. I've been doing this for the past 3 months and i log in pretty much everyday , so im looking for other active members.


  • theresaeva
    theresaeva Posts: 9
    Hi there....I'm 5'3 and probably need to lose about 60 lbs. I just started and right now I am making a small goal of at least 20 lbs by my birthday in September. Feeling down in the dumps as I really blew it and yesterday I said I would smarten up but I didn't. Overate again and energy level was so low that I didnt feel like walking or exercising at all yesterday. Need some support and motivation from other members as well. How are you doing?
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Im doing ok, just got back on track from a not so good week end ... Im glad i put a stop on it wich i wouldn't have done before! I sent you a friend request.