39 years old and 100 pounds to lose!!

I'm coming out of the closet, so to speak, about my actual weight. I recently revealed my number on the scale to online friends and to family and friends. It was a number I kept hidden in secrecy and shame for several years. Well...my secret is out. There's no going back. I am going to do this!!! I want to be fit, healthy and strong, and I'm going to do it by changing my lifestyle. I am eating healthier this week, drinking lots of water and working out. I feel so inspired. :)

I'm looking to make some new friends on here who would like to inspire or maybe even be inspired. :)

Oh...and my number is 252!!! That's so not me. Not for long.


  • HappyWifeBeth
    HappyWifeBeth Posts: 34 Member
    Coming out is so hard! LOL I've been there, although I still can't bring myself to tell anyone in real life what my number is. Telling online people was hard enough for me! (I'm 220)
  • Azkadelia
    Azkadelia Posts: 82 Member
    Way to get back into things! I know I can't admit my weight either....maybe after I have lost a few.
    If you want to add me please do so. Best of luck. :)