Looking for some pals!

Hi, I'm Swimgirl94, I am an 18 year old senior in high-school (home-schooled). Last year I did some lap swimming that my friend dragged me too, and after going a few times I found I enjoyed it-and that it was a great workout. But I stopped going as it got cold in the winter,and my weight increased. After trying a verity of different workouts(Gym, running) I believe swimming would be the best workout for me, because I actually enjoy it. So now I am watching what I eat and planning on going swimming three times a week.

I am looking for some pals to encourage me, and for me to encourage them on this journey. :)


  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I used to swim years ago and started going again yesterday. It is a GREAT low impact workout, burns calories like non-other, and doesn't even feel like exercise.

    I sent you an invite and anyone here can invite me. I love motivation and that's what you guys are.