Sciatic nerve exercise?

Howdy yall im here today because im suffering from a sciatic nerve problems >ouchies<:frown:
it happened February 19th most horrible day of my life it felt as if my back was thrown out then extreme burning pain going down my legs. I went to the hospital and they gave me loads morphine and other pain killers and as i laid there i felt my whole rear end and down my legs get numb felt like a swollen balloon and i though it was some sort of allergic reaction to the pain killers.
I've been slowly recovering but they keep telling me i need to lose more weight and do sciatic nerve exercises<<which dont seem to be working< Im on a cane but the doctor recommended me to walk 15 minutes a day then each week add an extra 5 minutes to the walking. I really dont know what more i can do to strengthen my back im only 20 years old and it womps:grumble:
If anyone has had this problem please can you tell me how to overcome this this inflamation also womps i dont like taking the prednisone and other meds because they make me feel loops and sad so i quit taking them and want to go about this a healthier way please if anyone knows anything about this can you give me some sort of advice please and thank you :flowerforyou:


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Hey, im almost 27 and I've had sciatica since I was 20. The flare ups of the sciatic nerve were pretty much constant.
    Everytime I went to see my doctor he would just give me Percocets. I was tired of taking pills! So I started being more active and stopped using pain as an excuse not to exercise. Well its been two months and the sciatica pain is hardly there and sometimes not there at all! I can't say a certain exercise because I do a whole bunch of different exercises and A LOT of walking.
  • kawickham85
    kawickham85 Posts: 62 Member
    I messed up my back early in pregnancy and suffered with sciatic nerve paid for over a year (until my daughter was 4 months old). I went to a spine specialist, he gave me my options. I chose surgery. Had the surgery (microdiscectomy of the L5/S1 disc), recovered in 5 days time and have felt great ever since. Here's why I chose surgery:

    -I had a herniated disc. That leaked disc material doesn't go anywhere. You body will not and cannot dissolve it. If it's pressing on a nerve, you might as well get it scraped out or else get used to the pain.
    -Options like therapy or injections are just temporary solutions that help reduce the pain. It does nothing as far as offering a cure for the problem
    -My disc was badly herniated. The spine surgeon said it was the worse case he's ever seen in someone in their 20s (i was 26 when I had this done). I have no medical background and yet looking at the MRI was beyond obvious that it was severe. The blob of disc material was larger than the disc itself.
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    The doctors will not let me get surgery because im to young. I have gotten two mri's and 2-3 catscans and they all recommend the same thing for me not to get it and just lose the weight and that i would be almost pain free i've lost close to 100 lbs i havent been this size sadly since i was in middle middle school but i guess i have to lose more but it sounds like the only thing i can do is just walk and lose this weight. =(
    Thanks though for letting me here you guys stories they were helpful and is opening my eyes to so much more and lets me know that i am not alone
  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    I know pinterest has a lot of sciatica stretches on there. so, those might be helpful. I too have sciatic pain from time to time and it will usually last for about a week or so. I just keep heat on my lower back, stretch and walk around a bit and it slowly gets better. Also, massage helps. Losing weight will help with it. Doing something like swimming or water aerobics would also be good.