Really need some help with these numbers...

So, I was trying to do the 1200 a day thing, eating my exercise calories.

Calculators tell me I should be eating 1797 for maintenance; 1437 for fat loss, or 1312 for extreme fat loss.

Anyways, as someone trying to recover from restricting/binging, I went for the simple 1200 method. Which was fine. I lose 6lb the first week! Then I had a weekend with my boyfriend. I stayed within my calorie goal - though less healthily - and was over slightly the second day, then over a lot the third. (over 1200, this is)

Now what I don't udnerstand is this.
When I restricted (500cals or less a day), I would lose weight, and gain it back when I binged (+2000 calories) I would gain back the weight. This made sense. What doesn't is now I am eating a decent amount, I gain all the weight back again!!

I am feeling so devastated and demoralised. I don't know what to do.
Should I eat more (perhaps the 1437 goal) or will I just keep gaining?
Or did I deserve the gain for going over my calories?

basically, it's really upsetting to lsoe all of my progress instantly. And I would really appreciate some FRIENDLY advice or help.
Please no bashing, cause I really can't take it at the moment.


  • kvetkaro
    kvetkaro Posts: 31 Member
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    It would probably be better to eat at the 1437. Our bodies don't like big changes, and they tend to retaliate, which is why people heading into maintenance have to be very careful. Our very human impatience wants us to have weight loss very quickly, but our bodies actually want very slow, gradual weight loss so that it can get used to the changes.

    Usually, the body "retaliates" from big changes by holding onto as much water and as many nutrients as possible. When you increased your caloric intake, your body was probably doing this because it didn't like the 1200 calorie limit, and liked that you were "feasting" on a higher calorie amount.
  • tdotgirl
    tdotgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I hardly ever eat my exercise calories back and it's been working for me. I try to stay within my daily intake that I have set it too.

    Best of luck

  • kvetkaro
    kvetkaro Posts: 31 Member
    I thought 1200 would be enough to stop my body feeling starved... Can it be too little?

    (1200 was quite a big leap for me, aha)
  • kvetkaro
    kvetkaro Posts: 31 Member