How does this plan sound? How can I get better results?

I have been working out since Feb 15th 2013. So far pretty happy with results lost 18 lbs and gained some muscle... but I am ready to step it up. I am confused about supplements and heavy lifting. I don't want supplements to consume me... but I want to do what is best for my muscles... no fat burners please :) but I would like to loose 30lbs if possible.

Right now this is what my routine consists of...

-Workout 4 times a week about 1 hour a day (mainly bootcamp style- no heavy lifting yet)
-Taking B12 for enegy in the am
-drinking water (could drink more)
-ocassionally take a whey protien (should I take after workout only??)
-eating mostly protien and good fats

Any suggestions?? What am I doing wrong and right?


  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I´m just a beginner myself, but I really think you should start to lift. I started less than two months ago and it gets addictive, trust me. (may I suggest StrongLifts 5x5? Three times a week, half an hour. Not impossible to overcome.)

    It sounds like you´re doing it right.

    Supplements! Yes, unless you can get all of you proteine with your food (go for about 0.7-1g. per pound Lean Body Mass- the oppinions differs- not the percentage target MFP suggest.) For me, that´s not possible. I really fought against it, but once I gave it a try, it didn´t bother me. I buy a whey supplement. Take it every day if you have to, to reach your target. It will NOT store as fat, if you take "to much"- wich I have never heard of.

    Go for it and have fun lifting! :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Use your diet for weight control; exercise for fitness. If you're doing MFP properly and your activity level is set up properly, you have a calorie goal with a deficit built in for weight loss. There is no reason to make that deficit bigger with exercise...doing so may be unsafe and is most certainly unsustainable. MFP is a NEAT method calculator (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). This means that your activity level setting does not include exercise...any exercise you do is above and beyond your daily activity when you use a NEAT method calculator. This is why you're supposed to eat exercise calories back...or at least most of them. I always ate back 70% or so to account for estimation error. Your workouts and benefits from your workouts are just better when properly fueled.

    You should aim to get 0.9 - 1 gram of protein per Lb of lean body mass...20-30% of your diet should be fats...the rest carbs. I use whey to supplement my protein because I can't eat a gazillion chicken breasts a day. If you need whey to meet your protein, drink whey...if not, don' doesn't matter, nor does timing.

    Start resistance training...boot camp stuff is great, but it's pretty much need to do resistance training to maintain your lean body mass. Look into Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women. My wife does NRoLfW and loves it. She does minimal cardio these days.