
Hey, I have been on myfitnesspal.com for about a week now, and I am really happy with it! I am a born again christian saved and delivered from drugs and alcohol and now, the biggest, hardest and probably oldest issue I have ever had to deal with... my weight. I have a friend that lost a significant amount of weight that told me to track everything I eat and all activity (meaning I actually do some activity). Being tired of trying to start a diet every other day and not even finishing the day out, I have gained around 10 pounds on top of all the other weight I have gained and carried around for the last too long. I am done! NO MORE DIETING for this girl! I figure if the Lord was able to do all that for me, He can do this too, no problem. I need to do my part, also, at least, so here I am. Thanks for the support and this awesome website where I can track all this info on my journey. Oh and by the way, I have lost a pound and a half in the last week that I have been on here, without changing anything, but tracking my food and exercise.