Are personal trainers worth it?



  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    I've had personal trainers in the past, some were good and some were bad. If you happen to find one that you like stick to it, if not, walk away.
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I have had one for a month and it has already made a big difference in my workouts and how I feel about weights. As Bigced said, you will need more than a couple of sessions. We are just getting started really.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Planet Fitness has free training. They offer small group classes of less than 5 people where a trainer brings you around and shows you how to use all the equipment and creates a total body workout for you. You can check the schedule for your PF location on the website ( I've never done it personally since I have some weight lifting experience but I see other people do it.

    Like other posters said, they don't have the greatest equipment since it's mostly the machines, but it's great for a beginner. I go there because I needed something cheap and short-term because I knew I was moving away and it works fine for me.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I think that if you find a GOOD PT and stick with him/her for a full program, then yes, it would be worth it. I've tried several different trainers at a couple of different gyms (not from PF) for 1 to 3 sessions. I couldn't afford to keep going to them for any length of time - I just wanted them to help me get a program set up, and it never worked like that - with any of them. They all wanted me to keep coming back and kept touting their great rates for purchasing more sessions. Not one of them would teach me an actual program that I could follow myself. So I guess it depends on what you want. If you just want someone to show you how to use the machines properly, you shouldn't have to hire a trainer for that - the gym employees should be able to show you that. I learned a whole lot more by reading and watching good videos than I leaned from a PT. JMO! Good luck whatever you decide.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I used to go to Planet Fitness but recently switched gyms to one with more classes and a pool. Planet Fitness does have a trainer that can show you how to use all the machines cardio and weight machines and they can also set you up w a personal exercise plan. Check with the front desk at your PF to see when they do that. I had two done when I was a member for the 6 months there. One at the beginning and another one at about 4 months. I liked my Planet Fitness, it was new and very clean and I never had to wait for a machine and it was only $10 a month! It worked for me since I hadn't never joined a gym and wasn't for sure if I would like it or stick with it. After 6 months, I was getting bored and wanted a gym with more classes and options so that is why I left. My gym now cost $43 a month but I got two months free but did have to sign a year contract but I get all the premium classes free the first 30 days also. Good luck!
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    i think it's good to shop around for a personal trainer that makes you feel comfortable. I met with a trainer that never let me get a word in (he was supposed to be evaluating me) and would finish my sentences because he thought he knew what was going to say. Every time he did that, he was wrong. He totally offended me because I felt steotyped and was like being fat isn't one personality type fits all.

    I haven't found the time to try to find a different trainer but I stopped seeing this guy because I knew that I wouldn't improve with him making me feel so negative.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    My experience with personal trainer is very good. I go to 24 hour fitness gym and I liked the trainers there. My trainer introduced me to Myfitnesspal which is the best thing that happened to me besides learning the proper way and also new exercises that are customized to my needs. If I could afford it, I would certainly take it in the future again. It is certainly worth it.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I just joined PF. I haven't met with their PT yet, but I do plan on it. I really like it so far. I used to go to the Y and 24 Hour Fitness but $10 vs $65 a month???? I'm not comfortable in classes- I can't seem to keep up. So no classes is fine for me. I love the curves like circuit and ab room. I feel as though I can do cardio and strength training without too much trouble.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I think it's worth it if you need to know how to target areas you want to be stronger like your core for example. They can show you form and other things like that. They can help you figure out your BF%. I am having mine done today (little nervous it's like high ya know), so looking forward to that :( I am sure there are a number of things they can help with.

    BOTOH, I am probably just going to do whatever it is that I want to do anyway, regardless of advice to the contrary.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I love my certified personal trainer with all of my heart. He listens, respects my boundaries/injuries and helps me push myself harder. He designed a program that works for ME, not a cookie-cutter program. Since I love to swim (I swim a mile 3x/ week minimum) we spend about a third of the session doing strength training to improve my swimming, about a third of the time on what I call "knee-hab," which are different exercises that improve my strength and range of motion in my jacked-up knees and a third toning. He keeps me moving and there's always a cardio component in there. I actually belong to a different gym for swimming but would follow this (inexpensive, IMHO) guy to whatever gym he is with. I like breaking up my usual workouts and have seen amazing results. It is such a great feeling to say "uh, hey, S, I just signed up for kayaking in November, gotta be able to get in and out and row" and have him come up with something to help prepare me. It's great to have another person invested in my fitness & future, even if I can only afford to train once a week.

    So short answer: Heck yes, if you have the right one for you. (And they're certified)
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    First off I'd get away from planet fatness.

    They are kind of useless and I'm not even sure if they qualify as a gym.

    Secondly- I support the "maybe" on personal trainer bit.

    A good one is worth their weight in gold- but do some research figure out what you want then make sure the trainer you get is the one that is going to help support your goals.

    For every good on out there- there are 3 bad ones giving them a bad rap.

    I have a hard time taking the trainer seriously at my PF because she is overweight and just looks sloppy. I'm not trying to be rude but shouldnt a personal trainer be trying to set an example? I cant take her seriously when she has her shirt tucked in but her belly is overflowing.