Vacation and staying on track

pamazado Posts: 13 Member
:ohwell: Hi my name is Paula. I am 46. I have kept 85 lbs off for 1 1/2 years and now trying to move closer to a normal weight. I still have about 40 to go. I started this when I started looking at an easy way to track calories. I have lost 10 lbs since starting this about 7 weeks ago. Now I am on vacation with family in the Midwest. A family who is far from health conscious. I have gone down and purchased my own foods and tried to exercise at least every other day. I need some encouraging words other than... "Just one bite won't hurt! "Or " you have to indulge once in a while". Please any words of encouragement are welcomed! Thanks


  • gking72
    gking72 Posts: 7
    Enjoy your vacation and exercise by just taking an hour to walk or swim in the mornings or evenings:bigsmile:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Last year I lost 21lbs and then went on vacation. I didn't want to take up my vacation time trying to fit in exercise and didn't want to miss out on the foods in a place I'd never been so while on vacation I didn't follow my diet or exercise anymore than what was already planned into our trip. It was a long weekend trip so I thought a few days wouldn't be a big deal. Well, going off track for a few days got me out of my habits and it was 6-8 months (and my 21 lbs and then some gained back) before I finally started to get back on track. So "just one bite" can hurt if it takes you completely off track. My suggestion for eating meals with family who aren't as health conscious is to do what you have done and get some of your own foods so you aren't stuck having to eat what they are eating because there's no other options. Offer to make one of the side dishes at a meal and make a salad, veggie tray, or other healthy side. If they are fixing burgers or hot dogs (we just had a family cookout this weekend) see if you can sneak in a turkey burger or low cal hot dog just for you. I survived our family cookout this weekend by bringing my own hot dogs and wheat buns and a veggie tray. I ended up only eating the stuff I brought but because the stuff was out there for everyone else and with everyone else's stuff it didn't seem like I was eating differently than anyone else and I don't think anyone else noticed either. Funny thing about our cookout, I took wheat hot dog and hamburger buns and they ended up being gone because everyone else ate them too and didn't even know it! :bigsmile:

    Good luck, families who are unsupportive of dieting and eating plans frustrate me so much. I don't think they always realize what they are doing but if you were vegetarian would they insist you eat meat? If you were diabetic would they insist you eat sugar filled treats? I don't think my family would in those situations so it frustrates me that me just trying to eat for my health and to lose weight to be healthy seems like an unimportant or inconvenient thing for them. I find you just have to ignore them and do what you have to do for yourself and if that makes them uncomfortable then that's their problem. They are probably just jealous that you are doing something that they only wish they could but aren't willing to work for.
  • pamazado
    pamazado Posts: 13 Member
    Was able to stay on track dispite my sister getting VERY irritated because I wouldn't taste a bite of a muffin. It is amazing when you change from the family norm how upset people can get. I am greatful for the changes I have been able to maintain.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Your sister is just jealous that you have the willpower to say "no" to the muffin and she didn't or that you are doing such a great job at this weight loss thing and she's not able to (don't know if she needs to, just sayin'). I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself against the "family norm" even if they don't get that they should be proud of you too. Congratulations on sticking to your guns! :flowerforyou:
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member

    Ok find out what activities are going on like water polo or some other sport. Go and sign up they normally have sporting activies every day that are free and fun to take part in if your staying in a hotel. Thats what I do, I also eat a low carb diet every day on holiday so you can have fish with salad or meat with salad etc. Basically lots of protein. However I have the afternoon cake each day with lots of creme by the pool as daily treat. I dont put on weight and I dont lose but at least that way I normally stay the same. Get your family to join in with the activities as well. Remember to visit the gym in the morning before breakfast. Do a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Drink lots of water and read a magazine. Dont talk about your diet it will get on peoples nerves. If family bug you about eating etc. Let it go over your head and get in the pool swim or go talk to someone else get a message etc.

    Good luck am away in 4 weeks for a family wedding so believe me when I say Ive been her as well. Oh congratulations on your weight loss.