Currently not working out and no plans to do so.



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have yo yo dieted for YEARS! I had trouble with binging and with just not caring. Now, after 1 year on MFP, I have hooked up with people of all weights and sizes that have learned the KEY to being a normal weight is to be healthy. That means to stop focusing on your weight and put all your energy into doing what is healthy for your body. Eating right and exercising go hand in hand. Of course, you can lose weight by just restricting calories, but exercising is a piece of a very complex puzzle. Without ALL the pieces, you will never have the picture that makes you happy.

    What finally worked for me was asking myself the question: Is this healthy for my body? Very slowly over the last year, I have learned moderation. It was a hard lesson. I so wish I had been able to have MFP when I was in my 30s - I would NOT be here now.

    Good luck!!