Cheesy restrictions, what is your limit?

As a big fan of cheese, I know I should stay away from it. But that isnt always easy and last week was simply shamefull (hence the fact I didnt lose any weight this week) So I was wondering if any of you guys have figured out how much cheese you can enjoy in a week without it affecting your weightloss. Any tips at all?


  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    As long as you aren't going over your daily calorie limit, you can eat as much cheesy goodness as you like.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks :)

    I noticed that I was working out to earn extra calories and then stuffed myself with chedder and other cheesy treats. But because they are so high in sodium and fat I was thinking it wasnt very smart of me, and I havent lost any weight during the time I did this, eventhough I always stayed under my calorie goal.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    water retention.

    Or you underestimated the cals in cheese or overestimated your exercise.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    water retention.

    Or you underestimated the cals in cheese or overestimated your exercise.

    I always put less excersise then what I acctually do into MFP so I'm hoping thats not the problem.
    The cheeses I scan using the MFP app on my phone, but I definitly dont drink enough water to flush my system of all the sodium, so that is something I am working on.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I have learned to view cheese as a condiment. Hope this helps.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I eat cheese nearly every day, except on the days I have chocolate instead. And I usually drink a glass of wine with it at *GASP* 11:30 at night. I weigh it out, though, don't just bite off huge chunks and gobble them down anymore. I buy better cheese and have anywhere from 1-3 ounces depending on my calories available. I REALLY enjoy my evening snack-it's almost like my own kind of bedtimes story, so I am willing to do extra exercise if necessary.

    Tonight, I am having 3 oz. of Brillat Savarin with cranberries. An 8 oz. glass of pinot grigio, and 12 mini toast crackers. It is probably the calorie equivalent of a small-medium meal and it has fat, protein and carbs-so I am a happy camper!

    No food is *bad* or *good* all by itself. And no deprivation diet is sustainable for the rest of your life, so find what amount of cheese makes you happy and find a way to fit it into your plan.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I think I eat like, one string cheese a day maximum! Or a slice of skim milk American cheese folded into my spinach omelets.. Yum :heart:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    If you stayed within your calorie goal, why are you blaming cheese?
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I usually have no more than two ounces of cheese in a day, though sometimes I'll have four ounces. In both cases I pay attention to my overall balance of macros and to my total sodium intake.

    I've had days when I've had to increase my fat intake because that would satisfy my hunger when carbs or protein alone wouldn't. At those times I turn to cheese or nuts. I don't stay away from cheese, but I do use it as a controlled substance.
  • I have a piece of low fat string cheese (50 calories) or reduced fat Colby jack (60 calories) almost every day. Heck sometimes 2 pieces. I fit it into my diet because I love it so much. It's my afternoon snack. Occassionally I will also get Babybel or Laughing Cow instead.
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    I eat goat cheese several times a week. It is a bit lower in sodium than other cheeses, so often I toss a bit in my salads. An ounce of goat cheese goes pretty far.

    On the weeks, I have cheese in my frittatas along with veggies. Usually good Gruyere or the like. If you work it into your calories and macros, you can have cheese any time.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I had two slices of american cheese and 1/2 an oz of cheddar cheese today. No limits. As long as it fits in my goal.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I usually have one string cheese daily - as long as your cheese fits in your calorie limit, you're good.

    Despite having fat, cheese also contains vitamins, minerals, protein and calcium, so it's not a bad food to have a little bit of daily.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,415 Member
    Just a reminder, without sufficient fiber, the cheese can take... a while... to exit your system. It wouldn't be the fats making you gain weight so much as the back-up... So remember to eat lots of veggies with your cheese.

    (I made over 100 lbs of cheese last year. Ask me how much I love cheese. Go ahead... )
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    It's probably water weight or you might be mildly intolerant...cheese is good if you can stand it good protein and dairy good fat also only thing is the soduim if you over do it.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    I don't eat cheese. Smells and tastes like mold to me.

    You could try reminding yourself that it is just rotten milk and how disgusting that is.

    It's not rotten, it's aged with bacterial enzymes- not spoilage bacteria, either. Steaks are aged too - are those rotten? And just a reminder- your food diary is public. So it's a little silly for you to bash cheese.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    water retention.

    Or you underestimated the cals in cheese or overestimated your exercise.

    I always put less excersise then what I acctually do into MFP so I'm hoping thats not the problem.
    The cheeses I scan using the MFP app on my phone, but I definitly dont drink enough water to flush my system of all the sodium, so that is something I am working on.

    MFP calories burned values are NOTORIOUSLY ludicrous. What you may think is an 'underestimated' burn could be significantly inflated. Best bet is to get yourself a heart rate monitor that is customised with your personal stats - height, weight, gender, age, and go exclusively on what that says you're burning.

    When I first started MFP it was telling me my hour long swim was burning around 800 cals. I then got a HRM and found out it was more like 350. So even 'underestimating' by half an hour, was still giving me a 50 cal inflation. Tighten your numbers, not your cheese intake!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Why if your having problem just going to have to cut back. have some alternatives
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    The cheese isn't the reason you didn't lose weight. Probably normal weight fluctuations (it's normal for weight to go up and down with a few lbs without gaining or losing fat), but it could be that you aren't measuring well or something. Do you weigh your food? I eat cheese almost every day, and I weigh it, and I keep to my calorie goal. Fat is good for you btw, you just don't want TOO many calories :flowerforyou:
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member
    cheesy goodness is cheesy goodness. on days where you cheese binge, try to steer clear of simple carbs and sugars.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I try to eat lighter cheeses like Laughing Cow or cottage cheese when I'm getting a bad craving so I don't overdue it. I'm a huge cheese addict, but I do indulge with melted cheese on a tortilla if I can keep below my calories. That used to be my go-to quick meal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't beleive dairy fat is healthy fat so I do limit cheese. I don't have a specific daily amount. I may go several days without any. If a dish requires cheese, I add cheese and I usually used reduced fat cheese. But most of my dishes don't need cheese.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    If it's Brie, Camembert, Mozzarella or Boccocini I have no limit, so I try to keep them out of my house...

    But at the end of the day it's about calorie deficit. If you know you will ignore your limit and eat the whole damn thing, you have to be smart and just not buy it. Everyone has their weakness, and the first step is admitting it ;)
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    If it's Brie, Camembert, Mozzarella or Boccocini I have no limit, so I try to keep them out of my house...

    But at the end of the day it's about calorie deficit. If you know you will ignore your limit and eat the whole damn thing, you have to be smart and just not buy it. Everyone has their weakness, and the first step is admitting it ;)

    As bad as it'll make me feel, brie and camembert are too good for me to pass up. I feel ya on that one! And in case of brie emergencies, I carry lactaid chews in my purse. I might take the entire pack of chews, but it's so worth it.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    As bad as it'll make me feel, brie and camembert are too good for me to pass up. I feel ya on that one! And in case of brie emergencies, I carry lactaid chews in my purse. I might take the entire pack of chews, but it's so worth it.

    Yeah my sis is quite badly lactose intolerant but loves cheese. The pills don't work as well for her though. They're more of a precautionary thing that she takes before eating at a dinner party or some such. It's funny, your friends always think you're joking and just slip a little bit in there..
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    As bad as it'll make me feel, brie and camembert are too good for me to pass up. I feel ya on that one! And in case of brie emergencies, I carry lactaid chews in my purse. I might take the entire pack of chews, but it's so worth it.

    Yeah my sis is quite badly lactose intolerant but loves cheese. The pills don't work as well for her though. They're more of a precautionary thing that she takes before eating at a dinner party or some such. It's funny, your friends always think you're joking and just slip a little bit in there..

    Totally. I have a great sense of humor about it. But that's because I'm physically incapable of not laughing at a fart. But the cramping and gurgling is no joke!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    LOTS OF IT!!!!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I stop eating cheese when I run out of calories for the day.

  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    LOTS OF IT!!!!!

    Ugh wine and cheese how did I forget? Wine makes me not care about the consequences, then I binge on cheese (and everything else in sight) :sick:
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I eat cheese everyday and I've lost 68 lbs since January. I buy amooza twists, they're only 60 cals and 6 grams of protein....they're a great snack!