To all my 5'2"s



  • Onlineasllou
    I am 5' 2" if I stand up VERY straight. Just joined MFP yesterday to check it out, having been using another website for a couple of years. My highest weight was 203, now down to 152. My goal (for now at least) is to get to 135. I doubt that I can get much lower than that at my age (58).

  • Mariposa_Lily
    Mariposa_Lily Posts: 38 Member
    5'2" and just turned 40, checking in; time to get back in shape, so I just joined MFP last week and would love some fellow "pocket sized" friends for support! :-)

    For most of my life, my weight was stable. Then, two years ago, I had a change in prescription meds that seems to have reset my body to about 5 or 6 lbs heavier. Stopped the meds, but didn't lose the weight--instead, I kept gaining. Just an1 or two lbs every year, but that trend has got to stop or I will be truly overweight.

    So, now my goal is 10 lbs (122.5 down to 112 lbs or so), or a little heavier but with more muscle. It doesn't seem like much, but those "last 10 lbs" (even when they are the ONLY 10 lbs) are notoriously hard to get rid of. (I also need to get stronger--I just about died doing yoga today--waaaaay too many planks and upward facing dogs for my poor, weak arms and shoulders to handle....)
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    5'2" and I seem to be stuck at 137...I know it's my fault because I have been cheating A LOT :drinker:
    Feel free to add me...I can use the motivation!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    5'2" and 100. Used to be 90 to 97 through my late 30s. In recent years, my weight has gone as high as 108, after the holidays, but it settled to 101 to 103. After doing Fast Five, an IF program for a month, it seems to have settled around 100, more or less. I've considered trying to go lower, but that would be an effort and there's no need beyond vanity for me to go lower.
  • ASchnadelbach
    I'm 52", up to 186 pounds, ugh! Desperately trying to lose weight and get in shape. I would love to get down to a size 4 too.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    For most of my life, my weight was stable. Then, two years ago, I had a change in prescription meds that seems to have reset my body to about 5 or 6 lbs heavier. Stopped the meds, but didn't lose the weight--instead, I kept gaining. Just an1 or two lbs every year, but that trend has got to stop or I will be truly overweight.

    My all-time high, 112, was caused by a prescription drug. I insisted on going off it, which was the smartest thing I've ever done in regard to my weight. I was terrified that I would become overweight and I felt disgusting at that weight. I know that 112 seems like nothing to some people, but it was 20 pounds heavier than my average weight during much of my life and my weight had always been pretty stable. I also don't carry extra weight well.