Knees hurt after walking

jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
About 5 weeks ago I started walking early in the morning. I love the hours before the world around me starts waking up.. I walked 3 miles in about 43-47 minutes. I found I really enjoyed it and it didnt even feel like I was exercising.
The first week I only walked 2 times, the second week I walked 3 times the 3rd week I walked 4 times. The 5th week I could only walk 1 time , I got this info from my exercise reports here on MFP. LOVE that!
I have not been able to walk since May 29th because my knees are killin' me !
I should clarify, the "inside" edge right below my knee cap seems slighly swollen , the pain is worse on my right leg and radiates all the way down my shins and aches horribly. I thought it was shins splints at first but does that affect your knees??
It seems to feel okay this morning, but after I go out and cut the grass and work in the yard for an hour or so, they will be aching again. Or even going up and down the stairs to do laundry or standing all day, will get them aching again.
Recently I saw someone on here post ( I think she was a college trainer of some sort??) about faciitis? (sp)
I have tried to shorten my stride, walk on the grass instead of the concrete, and tried to slow down to avoid landing to hard on my heels , I spent an hour or so with ice packs on my knees recently and that seemed to help. I KNOW I need new shoes because when I felt the motivation to walk I just grabbed my regular old Rikas and got movin'

I REALLY want to start walking again, I think this is something I will stick with and need advice so I can get going again.
Please advise, I'm not losing lately and I KNOW its because I'm not exercising at all right now.
Help me.


  • If you haven't changed your walking shoes in the last 6-8 months, you should start there. Also, perhaps a visit to an Orthopedic doctor or podiatrist would be a good idea. Sometimes something simple like a well-matched orthodic insole inside your shoe can make the difference between pain and no pain. Don't give up - walking is the BEST exercise!!! Good luck!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Just to keep in mind, that it might be felt somewhere but might actually be from someplace else. Try stretching your back, check your poster, and see if something like that might help. Try a different type or pair of shoes for walking. Perhaps they were stressing a part of your body or forcing you to go against a natural movement. I am very sensitive to shoes and some can really cause problems, so I walk and run without them. But that is not for everyone.

    The fasciiti are the fibers that attach the muscle to the bone. Usually those are unique injuries caused by doing to much to fast. They don't happen very often to people (from what my doctor told me) unless you really stressed your body somehow.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    ok, make sure you are stretching before walking, check your sneaks, do you need new ones? i take glucosamine everyday for healthy joints and are you taking any ibrophophen? I take 800 milligrams prescription strength. This will help reduce any swelling. as a matter of fact, I'm all out and have a call in to the doc to get more.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, I am going to try and get new shoes this week. See how it goes from there.
    I have never had any type of knee/ joint pain. 100% healthy actually so being in this much discomfort from simply WALKING??
    WTH ? I hate to think I have to take motrin and use ice just because I want to walk.

    Good thing I'm not trying the couch to 5K....yet :wink:
    Gotta learn to walk before you run.
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