Hey I'm sorta new to the site & I'm doing Keto

mowico Posts: 3 Member
I'm 59 so I'm sorta old :smile: ).

I have always battled weight and the only way I have ever kept my weight down was through exercise. Fortunately, I am in good health (knock on wood) as far as blood work etc. I do have knee issues. I had my second knee surgery about 3 months ago so I haven't been able to go to the gym or elliptical, very much. Therefore, no exercise = getting fatter.

I did a lot of research an have decided on a keto diet. My doctor even approved. I am almost 3 weeks into the diet and have lost 16 pounds. I know that's water weight but it's positive. I'm down from 275 to 259.

I am not a meat fanatic but I do eat it. I absolutely love peanut butter. I am looking for fellow ketoers to share advice. I'll make my food log available, if i figure out how to do it. I'm still learning this site.

Hope to get to know some of you. We can share advice and get healthier.


  • katiplease
    katiplease Posts: 10 Member
    High five for doctor-approved keto! I'm starting this week - adding you! Congrats on your loss so far, rooting for you!