Calories burned during a Washer Pitching tournament?

cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
For those that don't know:

"Washer pitching is a game, similar to horseshoes, that involves two teams of two players that take turns tossing washers towards the washer box. In order to score, one must place a washer into the box, into the can that is within the box, or within one foot (shoe size) of the box.

The object of the game is to earn points by tossing metal washers, usually around two inches in diameter, toward a hole, usually denoted by a can or pvc pipe, in a box. Washer boxes vary in size and shape, but a standard for one-hole washers is 16 X 16 X 4 inches, with a cylindrically-shaped cup (4½ inches in diameter and 5 inches in height) located in its upper surface. Boxes are placed approximately 20 feet away from each other, a distance often determined by a string attached to the front of each box. However, if a string is not attached to the box, one may take 10 paces from box-to-box, this will usually denote 20 feet.

The throwing player stands next to or behind one box and tosses washers toward the other, normally underhand. Scoring is similar to horseshoes in that the second team to throw can wash-out/rebut any points that the first team may have scored, then add to their total. Three points are awarded to a non-rebutted ringer (a washer in the cup). One point is awarded to each non-rebutted washer inside the box. Games are normally played to 21 points."

The article says similar to horseshoes, but it seems more like the kids game of bean bag toss to me.

Keep in mind we are using regulation washers...not those sissy washers your grandpa plays with.


Also, there's a lot of concentration and skill and look at this wrist action:


I'm thinking like 1000/hr. Or is that not enough?


  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    This burns calories? I'm going to have to start throwing more things at my husband! :tongue:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    This burns calories? I'm going to have to start throwing more things at my husband! :tongue:

    Probably a good idea to make it a disk shaped object...for energy efficiency.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    it seems more like the kids game .... to me.

  • About the same as beersbie.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    I was picturing people tossing Maytags. Kinda like caber tossing, but without the sexy kilts.

    I am deeply disappointed.