Breast feeding mom's show me your diary!

SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
Hellooooo pretty ladies!! I am trying to get back in line with my goals but I am fighting insane hunger since I am nursing!! My baby boy was born on April 30th and my midwife gave me the go ahead to start working out again. I am doing this slowly and whenever I can, as I can. I am just tired of feeling like I have no control over my eating! I wondered what other mom's diary's looked like, as I want to nurse for at least a year. I don't want to mess with my supply, but I don't want to gain with my son either...I already lost the weight I gained with the pregnancy, so I just want to either maintain(not really, but I will if it means that I keep an awesome supply) or lose the last 40 that I planned on losing! Thank you!!


  • gordismami
    gordismami Posts: 20
    I sent you a request. I am breastfeeding and my baby is now 5 1/2 months. I warn you though, I do not filter my menu much lol...
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Thank you!