Food Diary: Log As You Go VS Plan Before

I've always been curious when I see my friends complete their diary for the day before its even noon.

I personally log my day as I go so I dont feel so restricted and can change things here and there as I go.

But I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something by doing this?

So I wanna know what are the pros/cons and why people either log their day out before its done or log their day as they go through it?


  • mheath1293
    mheath1293 Posts: 35 Member
    I like to log ahead of time because it helps me stay within my calorie limit for the day. When I used to log after I ate, I'd sometimes find myself still hungry at night even though I'd eaten all my calories for the day by lunch time. I don't always log for the entire day ahead of time, but I always log before each meal. If I eat less/more than planned, or end up eating something different I just adjust my entry accordingly.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I plan mine out ahead of time. This way I have a very good idea about where I sit. Does it change? Sometimes. But when it does, I know I've got "xxx calories" left. It helps me out a lot by planning ahead.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm trying the log before I eat method right now, to give me a game plan for the day. So far it's working good, but today is only the second day :)
  • Brandilynnrose
    I sometimes log things ahead of time when I KNOW what I am eating to see how many calories I have "leftover". I did it today (logging my lunch and a snack in before I ate them) because I wanted to plan dinner and to see what I am working with as far as calories for the rest of the day. Again, I don't do it all the time. But it can be nice to know you have "spare" calories, haha.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Logging ahead gives me an idea of where I'm heading, so if I want to flex, I know I can flex. I change as I need to, but most of the time my meals are pretty much set from when I log it in the morning.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So I wanna know what are the pros/cons and why people either log their day out before its done or log their day as they go through it?

    For me the pros are making sure I get enough protein and calcium, two things I would not get enough of without thinking about it. The cons are I rarely end up eating what I pre-logged for dinner. Lunch / snacks as work is easy because I don't have much else with me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I think if you log it before you go then you will for sure make sure you do it.
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    I plan mine out ahead of time. This way I have a very good idea about where I sit. Does it change? Sometimes. But when it does, I know I've got "xxx calories" left. It helps me out a lot by planning ahead.

    ^ this. its exciting for me to know how many calories I have left over in case I have a craving for a little snack late at night if I need it.
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    i log ahead for the same reasons. my breakfast/lunch/snacks are pretty consistent day to day, but i still do all my logging in the morning so i can see how much i can shake things up for dinner. :) i generally log dinner after i've made it and consumed it. i also pre-log when i know i'm going to get fast food or be in a position where i'm not totally in control of my meal. that was i know i won't go all crazy with drive-thru juju and end up with corn dogs and chili cheese fries and a milkshake sitting in my lap. unless that's what i WANT, then i just plan ahead for it. pre-logging makes all that possible. even when i splurge or do something really crazy, i can almost all the time make it fit within my daily numbers. and if it doesn't...i don't worry. i'll make it up the next day.
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    I log after lunch since lunch is the up in the air meal for me. Dinner I know won't change. If I pre log I have a better idea what I can eat to even out my macros for the day or save room for a treat.
  • jme6976
    jme6976 Posts: 49 Member
    I log ahead so I can make sure there is room for what I want for dinner and try to add more exercise if needed. I like to have a little room for a glass of wine, a beer or some frozen yogurt or skinny cow if I want it. If I don't want it I don't have it but if there's room and I want it it's always better!!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Log as I go. I pretty much know at this point how to make food fit my macros.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    I've tried both and at the moment since my schedule is fairly flexible I much prefer the "as you go" approach. But for days when I'm going to be out and about I definitely have to plan ahead though.

    Generally it's good to have an idea of what's going on though. Like you might have a certain target for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. Then having a few calories left over is great to have that scoop of icecream at the end of the day.
  • GemmaM_x
    GemmaM_x Posts: 324 Member
    I eat pretty much the same thing every day, only my snacks really change. I tend to log ahead and that lets me plan ever use too as I know what I have to burn :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    When I was doing MFP I always pre-logged my day. This way everything was planned out and I knew exactly where I was at all times. Occasionally I'd have to adjust, but no biggie.

    This also helped me ensure I was hitting my macro goals as well.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Some days (like today) I like to log ahead because I already know what's on the menu! And even then, I give myself flexibility. I'm about to go change up what's going on because I didn't eat all that I logged for lunch, meaning more calories left over for this evening.
  • fysty75
    fysty75 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a 50/50 person. I typically plan my breakfast and lunch and log before i eat it but then my evening is up for grabs...I DO try to look up & log BEFORE I put in my mouth to avoid surprises but don't PLAN per se. The lookup/log before it goes in my mouth prevents me from eating a 70 calorie donut hole not realizing it cost me THAT much but leaving it open allows for flexibility to go out with friends or hubs or to go for treats etc.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I log the day before so I know that all meals are covered and so is most my snacks... and I know how many left over ones I have to work with. I don't chain myself to it, it does change but this gives me some guidelines so I stay on track.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I asked the same question. Whatever works best for you.

    I go by the old saying "Failing to plan is planning to fail."
    But realistically, I can't plan every little detail.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I do it as I go, because sometimes I just need a shot of whisky after a meeting.

    And sometimes I want a brownie.