Is Anyone Else Trying/Living Paleo?

Hi, y'all! I'm currently in the middle of revamping my pantry and fridge to be more Paleo (If you don't know what Paleo is, read this: Before I really talk about the food, I should give some back story here.

I've been trying to lose weight for years (when I started I was 206, then had gained and have been around 220 for a couple years), but I only recently started putting effort into it at the beginning of this year. My boyfriend has been my biggest fan and worst nightmare with it - he's the best trainer I've never had to pay for because he pushes me and isn't afraid of tough love (no matter how much I whine, lol!). Since January, I've lost 2 1/2" inches off of my hips, 1" off of my waist, and about a 1/2" everywhere else except for my calves - they're all muscle already (and are 17" around). I'm on a medium/broad build. I've almost always been an athlete or have been active in some way. I gained all my weight during an internship, and then gained more after heading back to school that fall. I've been battling for quite awhile, but the scale STILL says 224. I'm more worried about losing inches than weight itself, and I know that I'm turning a LOT of fat around to muscle. I've dropped from 40% fat to about 34% fat (I seriously think the rest of it is sitting in a doughnut around my tummy and is bent on hiding what could be fabulous abs!), which I see as a big accomplishment. But that NUMBER keeps haunting me.

My workout routine consists of CrossFit twice a week and an hour-long spinning class twice a week, and this is all Monday thru Thursday. I'm pretty thankful for the rest over the weekend. I've recently started working a lot harder than I have been and have overcome a lot of obstacles (strengthening my back, which is still weak from an injury), and I'm excited to see how in shape I am. I missed the feeling of being an athlete.

I want to ask if anyone was doing Paleo and had had any success? I've read a lot of sites on the web, but you never know. Also, if you have tried Paleo, have you cut your carbs down? I'm trying to get in about 50-75 grams of carbs a day (I've been about 80 all week). What do you do to cut your carbs? What benefits has Paleo brought you? If you've met your goal on Paleo, are you still eating that way, or have you changed your diet?

Thank you so much in advance!


  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    I tried it last year, and I gained about 15 lbs in about two weeks. :( I'm not a fan, and I don't recommend it.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    Well... you still have to know the calories you're consuming. Whatever works for ya... but I'm pretty sure Paleo man would have LOVED a glass of milk with a biscuit, so I think the whole paleo thing is just a distraction.
  • tigga39
    tigga39 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I've been kind of paleo for a month. I do eat cheese and heavy cream though so not just olive oils... I also eat butter. My ratios are more like 20g carbs a day ( have a look at my food diary - it's open to see)
    I think your carbs are too high... And don't eat too much protein either - it will convert.
    Have you looked at 'Marks daily apple' website. I got tons of good info from there.
    Also I wonder if you're exercise regime is too harsh and putting you in the 'chronic cardio' state therefore increasing cortisol!

    I'm no expert but I have read huge amounts of info and have lost 7lb since becoming paleo. I also feel fantastic!
    I'd rather have lost more weight but as I weight train 2/3 times a week I might have gained a little water on the muscles and therefore weigh heavier. Crank down the long cardio and do some HIIT once a week and maybe 2 weight training sessions. You'll notice a difference I'm sure.
    Feel free to add me or have a look at my diary etc.

    My best advice is read read and read some more - google everything!

    Good luck x
  • 40lbs10mos
    40lbs10mos Posts: 6 Member
    HI there :) A lot of people will trash talk paleo and honestly, I would NOT have even considered it a few weeks ago. However... my doctor suggested it for me due to my stubborn weight and recent not-so-good labwork.

    I had been faithfully eating those whole grains, never skipped breakfast, watched my sugar/sodium, did not eat fast food, stayed hydrated, "eating back" my exercise calories, etc... like I should be, but the scale did not budge. Frustrating and didn't make sense.

    My doctor recommended doing paleo only 80% of the time due to it being so restrictive, but she felt that overall the benefits would be good for me. So, I just eliminated grain and dairy basically. No more wheat crackers with cream cheese :)

    Still doing the same as far as exercise (I strength train 3x a week with my hubby and am training for my first 5k; ocassional Zumba for fun).

    The weight is finally coming off! Eating the same amount of calories, but the make-up of those calories has changed. Definitely not for everyone, but I'd say it's worth a try. Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • Hey I've been doing it for about a week and I feel great! If you are on it too then add me so I can see what you are eating :)
  • kmwrestle
    kmwrestle Posts: 33 Member
    ive been doing it for almost 3 months. Takes some time to get used to but after that i love it
  • shannoni86
    shannoni86 Posts: 9
    Thanks, everyone! I appreciate all of the feedback! I am having a hard time reminding myself to come on here and log/check things, but I have a daily reminder set).

    I have to admit, the thing I have the hardest time with is sugar. I put sugar in my coffee, but other than that, I generally get my sugars from fruits and veggies. I try hard not to eat sweets and usually forget about them if I have them at home. I do like the different recipes I've been finding (Egg Muffins are fantastic! here's that link:

    tigga39 - I'm trying to cut my carbs as low as I can. I think that's honestly the most difficult part. I have seen some of Mark's Daily Apple (some of my friends religiously checked it in college), and I think I just need to follow a little more closely. I've been on a couple of other websites (Elana's Pantry and Multiply Delicious). I'm at about 30% carbs a day. Hopefully I can do a little more to help lower them some more.

    Thanks again, everyone! What other websites do you look at for recipes?
  • tigga39
    tigga39 Posts: 11 Member
    Here's another couple of sites I use. They're not strictly paleo. More ketogenic. Have a look x
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I tried it last year, and I gained about 15 lbs in about two weeks. :( I'm not a fan, and I don't recommend it.

    I'm finding that very hard to believe, unless you consumed a pound of bacon every single day. You must have been doing something wrong.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    If you go paleo you have to count your calories as well -- the biggest mistake people make is not counting calories and they wonder why they gained weight
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I tried it last year, and I gained about 15 lbs in about two weeks. :( I'm not a fan, and I don't recommend it.

    I smell a troll... no possible way to gain 15 pounds in 2 weeks on a strict Paleo diet.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Paleo works great if you still meet your macros and keep a decent deficit. You must also exercise as well.

    I've been close to full Paleo for a while due to my diabetes, but just recently have reduced my grains/gluten intake. Weening off it slowly. I do feel MUCH better and my glucose is more steady and less spiky. Nothing says you have to go 100% Paleo cold turkey (no pun intended). Start by eliminating the food class you think you'd have the most trouble with as far as cravings. Once you get that beat then move on to the next one. You'll be surprised at how many dishes you can actually make with such a limited palate of foods.

    Now, you WILL gain some water weight due to the increase in meat and fiber consumption, but that should level out once you've been on it for a few weeks.

    Good luck!
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    Bump. I am kinda doing it, meaning no gluten or dairy for me. Going on a week and a half and I love it
  • ryuage
    ryuage Posts: 11 Member
    from a health perspective, the basic principles of not eating processed foods sounds good in my book...

    from a fat loss perspective, you still have to be in a calorie deficit regardless of what "diet method" you use

    Like they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.