Absurd: McDonalds doubles up the chips



  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yesterday I walked for 3 hours. Not all at once of course, but still it was 3 hours of walking. Most of it was at a fairly fast pace for me. My calorie goal was then a bit over 3,000 calories. There are a lot of people that have TDEEs of around 3000 calories a day. They are people with very active jobs that are also active when they aren't working. My SOs TDEE is just a couple calories shy of 3000, so having this order of fries would be about half his calories. And there are days when he does have to eat a large meal and go and then he will eat a couple of smaller for some peoples thinking still a lot of calories.

    It really isn't up to other people to say what another person should or shouldn't be able to buy and eat. I would on most days avoid eating something like this. But, if I ever have a day or several days in a row where I am basically walking all day or doing some other activity that burns lots of calories I might just need something like this just to get close to my calorie goal, assuming I am on maintenance. If I am not on maintenance then I won't worry about having a large deficit for a day or even several days.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    It entertains me, mcdonalds sells 20 pieces with the intent they can share.
    Next we will bash KFC for selling buckets of chicken. dem evil fast food.

    funny how nobody bashing KFC for selling whole buckets, right?? OP order small fries and get over yourself

    Oh dear. Is that necessary? Grow up.
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Sorry haven't read whole thread, so apols if someone has already pointed this out, but this is in Japan only at the mo. There is a craze in the far east at the moment to have McDonalds 'Potato Parties'


    Suspect this new product is there to meet that demand
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Yesterday I walked for 3 hours. Not all at once of course, but still it was 3 hours of walking. Most of it was at a fairly fast pace for me. My calorie goal was then a bit over 3,000 calories. There are a lot of people that have TDEEs of around 3000 calories a day. They are people with very active jobs that are also active when they aren't working. My SOs TDEE is just a couple calories shy of 3000, so having this order of fries would be about half his calories. And there are days when he does have to eat a large meal and go and then he will eat a couple of smaller for some peoples thinking still a lot of calories.
    I measured my RMR using a metabolic tester about 20 hours after weight lifting.
    It came out at 2390 calories or something.
    So could easily see my TDEE on those days being over 3000 with a fairly sedentary life bar the weight lifting.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Why are you people getting you panties in a bunch?
    1. This in only in japan at the moment
    2. Micky D's isn't going to hold you down and force you to eat all the fries
    3. If you don't have the self control to not eat them all well thwn that is your problem
    4. This size is meant to he SHARED! It is no different than any other place that offers family size meals.
    5. You can blame anyone you want, but the truth is the only person you should blame is yourself for being to weak to pass on the fries.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    So? Plenty of American chains have main course dishes over 1500 calories.

    You choose which restaurant you go into, what dish you order, how much you eat.

    And? You can't tell me that the food industry has NO responsiblity when it comes to obesity etc

    Don't be naive

    It's not being naive, it's reality. People demand X, and companies provide X to make money. Restaurants are a business, and if offering more lower calorie foods or dishes were profitable, they would. Some restaurants DO offer 'slimmer' options, but in place like McDonald's it just doesn't work because people don't buy them. I don't go to McDonalds for a salad. I'd go to a place like Sweet Tomatoes for a salad.

    When I walk into a dining establishment and order 2k calories worth of food, that's my responsibility.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    So? Plenty of American chains have main course dishes over 1500 calories.

    You choose which restaurant you go into, what dish you order, how much you eat.

    And? You can't tell me that the food industry has NO responsiblity when it comes to obesity etc

    Don't be naive

    It's not being naive, it's reality. People demand X, and companies provide X to make money. Restaurants are a business, and if offering more lower calorie foods or dishes were profitable, they would. Some restaurants DO offer 'slimmer' options, but in place like McDonald's it just doesn't work because people don't buy them. I don't go to McDonalds for a salad. I'd go to a place like Sweet Tomatoes for a salad.

    When I walk into a dining establishment and order 2k calories worth of food, that's my responsibility.

    Also, Sweet Tomatoes is awesome! :smile:
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member

    Don't be naive

    In your own words, "Oh dear. Is that necessary? Grow up."
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    I'd eat the whole thing by myself, then sue McDonalds for making me fat. Why you ask? Because it's the 'MURICAN thing to do!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    So? Plenty of American chains have main course dishes over 1500 calories.

    You choose which restaurant you go into, what dish you order, how much you eat.

    And? You can't tell me that the food industry has NO responsiblity when it comes to obesity etc

    Don't be naive

    Yes, I can. Because, no, it doesn't.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340

    You Sir, have made my day.... I start the slow clap in your honor

  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'd eat the whole thing by myself, then sue McDonalds for making me fat. Why you ask? Because it's the 'MURICAN thing to do!!
  • amandaanderson2786
    amandaanderson2786 Posts: 95 Member
    so choose not to eat at mcdonalds
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    personal responsibility. it's a real thing.

    I think it is absurd that McDonald's cut their kids meal fries down to like a half dozen and then throws in apple slices.

    Especially when it's a chore to get a child to eat an apple slice after they've tasted a salty french fry. Yes, we eat apples and demand that we do. Then when they leave the nest, they get a mega fry cause their friends do.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I'd love to start a new topic on this for you "freedom lovers". I love freedom too, and therefore are concerned about what is happening in this country. Are you?
  • sammi674
    sammi674 Posts: 41
    I think a lot of people are missing the point that they made it to be SHARED. Just like the 20 piece nugget.

    If people want that many fries, they'd just order numerous large ones. Just because it comes in a bigger container, doesn't mean people are forced to eat it.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I'd eat the whole thing by myself, then sue McDonalds for making me fat. Why you ask? Because it's the 'MURICAN thing to do!!

    This is exactly what happens. The obese may not sue "Murica", but it costs us more than a fortune. You go ahead and perpetuate it, cause it's "Freedom!!!!""!!!""
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Okay.. it's BAD.. I'm not saying it isn't. But let's not pretend like those who shop at McDonald's are forced to eat like they do. Nearly everyone here should be able to appreciate the struggle in saying no, but nearly everyone here still says no.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I think a lot of people are missing the point that they made it to be SHARED. Just like the 20 piece nugget.

    If people want that many fries, they'd just order numerous large ones. Just because it comes in a bigger container, doesn't mean people are forced to eat it.

    Most young people go to fast food places to socialize and have some tasty food. Most young people do not share their food. Overweight adults order 20pc nuggets and eat them all. Cameras at mcdonalds tell them so. These same people eat a pound of fries. Is it their fault? YES!!!

    Do I understand the impulse when you are poor, depressed, and miserable? Yes. Limit the sizes and give folks who do not have the mental capacity, a break... Please.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Let me get this straight...people are too embarrassed to buy a Big Mac meal, plus nuggets, extra fries, a fillet of fish, a McFlurry and an apple pie, plus a large milkshake to wash it all down l, when it could concievably be an order for four people - but they're ok with buying a greedy *kitten* size of fries with all the rest, because that's not embarrassing?

    Why not just print up some 'This fits in my macros' paper bags for them t