in need of support

Hi I've lost 68lbs :) and am working on the last 30! I always gain during the summer though so I need accountability!


  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    You can add me-good job on the weight loss!!!!!!
  • ddarold
    ddarold Posts: 15 Member
    Summer time is hard with all the yummy foods at BBQs for me and the extra beverages. :smile:
  • David1406
    David1406 Posts: 63
    Lost 68lbs? That's amazing...well done you. I've only been at this for 12 days so I'm not in your league...haven't even dared to have my first weigh-in yet!!:happy: I'm sure you'll keep focused over the Summer, and keep talking to everyone on here. We're all in this together.