So I went for a run for the first time sprinting and walking intervals for about 30 mins ...2 days ago! and my body is still SUPER SORE like my thighs inner and upper groin area also the muscles on the sides of my belly hurt when i laugh or sneeze or even move!

Is this normal? Should I continue this form of exercise or let my body rest?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Personally, if I'm still hurting that bad with basic movements, I continue to rest. Often doing something new the first time will leave you super sore and take longer for your muscles to heal.

    You could try some easy stretching or walking. Drink plenty of water, too!
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    I'd go for a gentle walk today to stretch those suckers out. Also, take some magnesium supps, they help with muscle function. And stretch, and drink lots of water. The second day after a hard workout is always the worst for me, just ride it out and don't give up. That pain is your muscles rebuilding themselves into fitter, stronger, more powerful machines. Grrr!!!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    Go for a swim if you can. Will increase the heart rate without further injuries. I found the same when I first started couch to 5k x
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94
    The pain is your muscles healing, the longer you're in pain the longer it is for your muscles to heal. Once they have healed and you no longer hurt try the same thing again and you'll see that this time it will take a lot quicker for your muscles to heal.. Again and again until it no longer hurts then you up the same exercise so it hurts again = challenging your muscles

    It's normal for something you've only just started to do :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Unless you feel injured (and not just really sore)I would do a nice warm up and get back at it. Rest days are important, but you really only need 48 hours between workouts