Strange reaction to loosing weight



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I say "Thank You" and if they ask tell them what I've been doing. If they don't ask I leave it at thank you.
  • cspinelli712
    cspinelli712 Posts: 41 Member
    WOW, I think you are so right. When you are really heavy people never really want to look at you in the eyes and give you eye contact for some reason. That is what I think anyway; I have spent the past 10 years being ignored by post people even though I have an outgoing personality. Since I have lost 50 pounds I am just starting to have people ask me if I am losing weight and that I look great. I think to myself WOW "you do know that I exist but really did'nt want to get to know me" as if being overweight is a catchy thing. I just say thank you and move along. These people are not the ones I want in my life as I move forward with my weight loss. I still need to lose another 50 pounds and I will be making new friends and meeting new people.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    Being able to spell commonly misspelled words is not a sign of superior intellect, however pointing out the misspellings in a rude manner is something that also should have been taught -- as in "What NOT to do!!"

    You knew what she meant -- you could have pointed it out politely -- no need to add the "we all graduated from grade school comment"

    When people compliment you -- you say "Thank You" and leave it at that.

    When people correct you rudely -- you say "Thank You" and leave it at that.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Simply say "Thank You"