Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Hello Judy, I went for my weight loss class today and left feeling like the gastric sleeve was for me. Then I visited my friend's house. Her mom started telling me how the surgery is going to mess me up in the head and that my self esteem will be shot because of the excess skin. She had gastric bypass 10 years ago and was telling me not to do it. It scared me a bit. Then I get on here and see your comment about the extra skin. Is it really that bad?
  • dcosby1
    dcosby1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. Im going in for my initial consult with the doctor for my sleeve in a week and Im sooo nervous b/c this is such a big step.
  • I got my surgery done in jan 2014 n if u azk me abt side effects yes im dealing with it. ?.. first one im not diabetic anymore n second n major one I ruined all my cloths..... lol this is one of best things I can gift myself. ?..... go for it if u still thinking for it.....i stay in new delhi, india
  • bellebb
    bellebb Posts: 3
    OH BOY I had my surgery 7th April so I'm 5 days out. Still in a little pain. Would like to know quite a few things.
    How long has it taken please to feel better in them self. What side effects have you suffered. How much weight have you lost. I have a few regrets is this normal. I could go on and on. Sorry for my rant.
  • stroller2001
    stroller2001 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Melissa

    My name is Georgette but almost everyone calls me George! I am 55 yrs and will be having sleeve op on 17/04/14. I currently weigh 190lbs ...maybe less now since starting the liquid diet, although I have cheated some....I eat when I'm nervous or worried and op date is looming! I am also diabetic and borderline Insulin.

    Wondered if we could buddy up for support as our op is almost the same date and our weight is also similar.Also funding op myself. Will be leaving for Belgium on Tuesday as having my op there.

    Wishing you the very best with yours!


  • gbbarbru
    gbbarbru Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone. I had my sleeve done in January 2012. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I lost 120 pounds, then came an ankle injury that had me off work for 4 months and I gained 25 pounds back. One reason was lack of physical activity but the biggest reason was high calorie intake. When I was bored sitting in the house I returned to my old friend " carbs". I have discovered that even though I can't eat alot at one time, grazing every hour and a half on carbs equals weight gain. All that being said I am back on track now exercising and eating right. My fit pal has been a huge help.

    I chose the sleeve because my surgeon had it done to himself. As a nurse I've seen alot of bypass patients come in with complications and not one sleeve patient.
    I also had my sleeve done in 2012 and I also went back to my friends "the carbs" after my mom died. I gained 40 pounds in one year, but I am back and I am resolved to do it, but I cannot do it alone. Thanks for posting.
  • I just got my surgery date - May 9. I will be off work for 2 weeks. I am very excited and anxious at the same time. Reading the posts in this forum has been INCREDIBLY helpful - thank you! My surgeon is not requiring a liquid diet for the 2 weeks before surgery, but they are requiring me to start my new nutrition plan. I'm making sure to eat all the yummy stuff that I know I won't be able to even taste for at least the next year. Getting it out of my system, I guess.
    I've struggled with the decision to do this. I felt like I was taking the easy way out, but my cardiologist actually helped me decide. He said that hunger is a very strong feeling to try to overcome. That clicked for me. I know this is not a 'magic cure all' and that I HAVE to do the work. My health issues are quite numerous, so I'm going to give myself every opportunity to be successful. I have high blood pressure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, sleep apnea, a bilateral heart murmur, low thyroid, and asthma. If I don't get my health taken care of now, I won't be able to live the kind of life I want in another 10-15 years.
    As far as excess skin & that, the exercise physiologist said that adding as much muscle as possible before surgery will help and of course, making sure to get a good mix of strength training & cardio after surgery will give the best results with the least amount of extra skin. She said that men generally do too little cardio, & the ladies generally do too little strength training.
    This is going to be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it. I know anyone can 'out eat' the surgery, so this has to be a lifestyle change. I believe I'm as ready as I'll ever be to change for the better.
  • teach8pipa
    teach8pipa Posts: 3 Member
    I was sleeved on April 7th and thankfully I feel great and had no complications what so ever! Went for a 3 mile walk today and am so excited about getting back to a healthier weight. I'm obviously still in the full liquid phase and the only thing I think everyone having this surgery needs to understand is that although your physical hunger may be gone or greatly reduced, the hunger in your head still exists. Food still smells good and looks delicious and you still want to eat it. I hope this will diminish as I go onto the other phases where I can actually "eat" something, but for now I will be strong and continue to move forward toward my goals.
  • so true wonderful site!!!
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    I had a gastric sleeve August 3, 2013. You can friend me if you want.
  • dfwtxmissy1
    dfwtxmissy1 Posts: 5 Member name is Melissa and I was sleeved on Oct 7, 2013. I would be more than happy to answer questions. I have lost 60 pounds. Started at 255 and am at 195..My ticker is not accurate as the system would not let me show that I have lost 35 pounds in one day.

    Just find me...Will be happy to chat.
  • Hi I had the gastric sleeve Feb 3rd and I have lost 36 lb since surgery but I'm at a point where I'm not losing now any Idea what I can change in my eating or exercise
  • You went for a 3 mile walk 3 days post surgery? I'm 5 days out and still very tired and the pain doesn't allow that much exercise. My surgeon doesn't either. At the end of 1 week my goal is 50 yards.
  • Hi, I'm Linda. My surgery date was 4/8/14 and 4/9. During the first surgery I went into arterial fibrillation. They stopped the surgery and called the Cardiologist. One shock and I was back in sinus rhythm, after several blood tests, EKG's and a cardio work up no reason for a fib was found and surgery was scheduled to be completed the following day. Finished with no complications.

    This kept me on clear liquids for 3 days and now liquids. I'm getting in around 50 to 60 protein each day and adequate fluid. I'm very tired, sleep more than usual and find a nap needed. Walking short distances is good but far and my stomach and back both ache a lot. I just read the post of a lady who did 3 miles 4 days post surgery. I was still in the hospital then but now home I can't begin to do that. Am I way behind in recovery?

    I felt I was doing good but after reading that I feel like a slouch.
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    had my surgery on April 9th, 2014. I am only 6 days post-op. I do feel great. I am also 51 years of age and had lot of medical issues like blood pressure and sugar. At this time I am no longer have to deal with those issues.
  • mbruck01
    mbruck01 Posts: 2
    My surgery was 1/15/14... BEST THING I EVER DID!! I was 250lbs and today I am 200 lbs. I feel so good it's obnoxious to others!! I look like a pretty lady now and my kids are so proud of me! I had a little discomfort the first two days while lying in bed so I GOT UP!!! Incisional pain was MINIMAL! You need to change your relationship with food... this surgery is just a TOOL. NO, you can't eat ice cream and cake and cookies.... look how well that worked in your past... I wish you all good luck in your journey to getting healthy. I know i'm going to enjoy mine!!
  • mbruck01
    mbruck01 Posts: 2
    You need to move more than that!! There is a lot of hard work that goes into this new way of life. Unless you have a HUGE incision you need to move around more to prevent blood clots!
  • diona
    diona Posts: 2 Member
    ADD ME! I have been looking for more friends to motivate with me throughout this journey! Surgery was on 4/14/14

    Diona or email-
  • pmc1023
    pmc1023 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm at the very beginning. I have my first consult next Tuesday. I'm very nervous and hate the fact that I can't do this without surgery. I hope I get approved!
  • mrslove0912
    mrslove0912 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi There!

    I am having Gastric Sleeve done on May 5th and am really excited! I have read a lot of things about post op and what to expect. Anybody out there with good advice?
