GAINING on 12-1400 kcal

I've been dieting since early february. I lost about 3 pounds during 4 months (...), but today, I found myself right back where I started. And no, no changes in inches. The only time i really lost any weight, was doing PSMF for three weeks (800 kcal a day), and I really can't live like that.

- Food: The last few weeks I've been doing 50 grams of carbs a day, on 12-1300 kcal. If I 'messed up', I would have eaten a maximum of 1700 kcal, for no more than 3 days.
- Exersise: About 3-4 times a week. Kettlebells, spinning, strenght training and running. There was 3 weeks when I was doing 5 classes of spinning a week, still not losing anything.

I'm seriously getting rather p* off, and considering doing a shake-diet for a while. If i can't even have one 1700 kcal day without gaining 3 pounds, there is bound to be something wrong. All my other friends on MFP who are doing basically the same, are losing.



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Open your diary..then we can help better..

    How tall are you? What do you weigh now? We need more info.
  • CeriGrindrod
    CeriGrindrod Posts: 120 Member
    water weightttt.. just drink lots of water and it should budge by the morning :)
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    jumping up suddenly 3lbs isn't 'gaining', it's just a fluctuation. You are getting these fluctuations because after a 1700 day you likely have more food in your stomach, and have consumed more carbs and sodium than you're now used to which causes water retention. water can easily count for up to 7lbs of extra weight.

    If on 1200 a day you are 'messing up' and eating 1700, you might want to consider averaging it out to about 1400 a day to prevent yourself from cravings and hunger binges.
  • Kosepose
    Kosepose Posts: 15 Member
    It's not really all about the 3 pounds.

    Why have I not lost more in 4 months with this regime?

    My weight: 127
    Goal weight: 115
    Height: 5''3 (160 cm)

    Diary is open
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Put your numbers in tdee calc and tdee-20% is 1578 for you. Eat this much. If in 4 weeks you are still not losing then something else is up. You will initially go up on the scale when you do this, be will go back down once your body realises itthere is more food coming and its not the odd occurence of 1500+cals.

    Just sounds like you stuffed your metabolism a bit with that 800 cal thing
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Weigh and measure everything you eat, you might be eating more than you think. You simply can't gain 3 lbs from eating at tdee for one day.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Weigh and measure everything you eat, you might be eating more than you think. You simply can't gain 3 lbs from eating at tdee for one day.


    Also, if you are weighing your food and you're really eating so little and not losing, something is wrong. You're already at a healthy weight for your height so you should be eating more calories, not less. Do you have a history of yo-yo dieting? Do you eat back the calories you burn from exercise?
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    Oh you can gain 3 in one day even when eating at TDEE.
    Just not body mass. ;)
    It can be food weight if you ate more you probably have more food consumed in gramm.
    Wich is still inside of you.
    Or you ate more carbs then usual? 1g carbs stores around 3g of water.
    That easily adds up to a gain without beeing a real gain.
    water weight fluctuates too from day to day.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You have stuffed up your metabolism by eating very low before so this is why people on here tell others not to do it and still they don't listen. Now you have to fix it.
  • Danielle_Style
    Danielle_Style Posts: 90 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories, or at least some of them? Because if not, you could be well below the healthy minimum of 1200 calories per day, causing your metabolism to slow down.

    Your exercise routine seems very intense for such a low calorie diet. Maybe go with the TDEE - 20% as others have suggested AS WELL as consuming exercise calories.

    Also, consider that since your weight is already fairly low (well within the healthy BMI range), you might lose weight much more slowly than those who have a lot to lose.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Your net calories for the day are too low.

    If your goal is 1250 (as I see in your diary) and you're hardly eating any exercise calories back (as I see in your diary), then your net is likely to be very low.

    I eat 1800+ calories a day usually, and my NET calories for the week are around my BMR.

    Search the forums for "In Place of a Road Map" and get yourself educated.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    This is sort of a long read but I HIGHLY suggest that you sit down and read it from start to finish.

    It's a bit heavy on the science, but the way it is written is entertaining and easy to understand. You might see a bit of yourself in here and see why MORE calories is the answer for most people.

    Also, my coach just wrote this article the other day. It's more geared toward the 'every man' and should give you a good understanding of why sometimes less is more;
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    A couple of years ago i lost almost 3 stones going from 11st 11 pounds to 9 stone. When I count cals for the meals I was eating back then it was around 1000/1100 cals. At the time I was doing this I was resistance training and exercising so didn't becaome skinny fat but i gues my body fat % was still highter than i would have liked. My point is that as soon as i started eating normal amounts of food the weight came back on faster than I ever expected, luckily it was just a stone but it could have been more had i not been logging here and there. From March I have been trying to lose weight again for a holiday booked in Aug. I thought 6 months is plenty of time but I had only shown a loss of 3 pounds from March. I ate badly last week and now show that I weight 3 pounds heavier than when i started but I know that is just a fluctuation and i'll likely see the true figure next week. I'm finding it really difficult and i'm thankful its a stone and no more that i'd like to lose. My metabolism appears to be messed up. Hopefully seeing as i've been eating more the last 2 months, it should sort itself out eventually. I don't net below my bmr anymore either so combines with my tdee I can only lose on average 3 pounds a month. I'm trying to focus more now on just sticking with my resistance work, add in some hiit on the treadmill and go for reducing my body fat to 20%.