Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Okay-- so I'm totally not getting how you quote multiple posts, Jason-- noway I'm so computer illiterate.

    And I'm a computer geek my trade. lol ..... I will try to explain it but the forum may make it hard on me.

    So basically I :
    1) Copy the text that I want to quote.
    2) in the reply section i type in square brackets [ ] quote and /quote
    3) I paste the text I copied above in between the two quotes.

    Example... replace qwote with quote
    [qwote] insert text here [/qwote]

    Thanks Jason. Yes, we plan to challenge them, but our assessed value is pretty spot on. The county we live in is very rural and we are hugely less populated than the other county with the lesser taxes. We think this is a big reason for the difference between the two counties. Our rates are just so much higher than the other. It's sad because there are a lot of people in the same boat as us. Our town is losing so many families due to them moving to a cheaper area.

    My boss is currently trying to get me a salary increase but there are no guarantees as to whether it'll get approved or what the increase would be. What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger...right?

    My boss has the same problem, live outside the city and because her county is so small yet gets alot of the city services their property taxes are higher to pay for them which really bites.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    My boss has the same problem, live outside the city and because her county is so small yet gets alot of the city services their property taxes are higher to pay for them which really bites.

    Yes, it does. But, as Marla would say, "Whatyagonnado?"
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome newbie! flowerforyou I'm Lori. There are 2 of us so I am Lori-PA. I'm the pregnant one, not the one who likes to look at naked women. laugh
    Congratulations and thank you.
    My wife and I are expecting at the beginning of August with our first.
    Yes, it does. But, as Marla would say, "Whatyagonnado?"
    TP their house. :tongue:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Jason, you are gonna fit in around here just fine.

    My 13 year old son is a computer geek. I wish he had somebody to talk to about the stuff who cared. He listens to podcasts on technology for fun, then proceeds to torture me with all the details he has learned. I try to listen, but honestly I could care less. The problem is, when he asks questions, if I don't know the answer, he starts over. I think Marla's Insanity workout would be a ton more fun!

    Seriously, the day that kid's MacWorld magazine arrives in the mail is the happiest day of the month for him. My only hope is he'll make lots of money and take care of us somebody for having to listen to his constant dribble about computers and cell phones.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Welcome newbie! :flowerforyou: I'm Lori. There are 2 of us so I am Lori-PA. I'm the pregnant one, not the one who likes to look at naked women. :laugh:

    Good one! :laugh: :laugh:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    TP their house. :tongue:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Jason, you are gonna fit in around here just fine.

    My 13 year old son is a computer geek. I wish he had somebody to talk to about the stuff who cared. He listens to podcasts on technology for fun, then proceeds to torture me with all the details he has learned. I try to listen, but honestly I could care less. The problem is, when he asks questions, if I don't know the answer, he starts over. I think Marla's Insanity workout would be a ton more fun!

    Seriously, the day that kid's MacWorld magazine arrives in the mail is the happiest day of the month for him. My only hope is he'll make lots of money and take care of us somebody for having to listen to his constant dribble about computers and cell phones.

    Hmm, last time I heard that I was stuck into a padded room with an I love me jacket. :love:

    Isn't that every parents wish, to have their children make something with their lives and keep their parents in a lifestyle they want to be accustomed to? lol
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Don't forget, Lori, Lori from Pa is due in two weeks. We'll have lots of new Blackettes crawling around.

    Yeah, don't forget me! And it's not 2 weeks, it's 12 days. Dave rolls his eyes at me when I say that. I snap at him, "You try being 8 1/2 months pregnant and see if two days makes a difference to you!"

    Welcome newbie! :flowerforyou: I'm Lori. There are 2 of us so I am Lori-PA. I'm the pregnant one, not the one who likes to look at naked women. :laugh:

    000203DB.gif <----me and I was 6 hrs past due date. Every minute counts. Your almost there sweety pie! THEN 0002031F.gif
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    All right, Jason-- I'll try the quote thingie one of these days-- you rock. Thanks for the explanation-- I'll keep my fingers crossed that it didn't just whoosh over this ol' broad's head.

    Had a follow up with the doctor a bit ago-- way psyched. I've been weaning off the blood pressure medicines-- the totally unnecessary blood pressure medicines-- 50mg, down to 37.5 last week, 25 this week-- so far, no weight gain, blood pressure steady-- next week 12.5, then gonna do every other day for a week-- then buh-bye!!


    Totally proud of resisting the pretzel M&Ms at the checkout-- I. AM. WOMAN.

    Heading to the pool in my new totally "too low" suit-- ha-- my daughters are freaking out. Whispering to each other-- "It's nice, but isn't it too low?" IT'S NOT TOO LOW, PEOPLE! I'm 46 years old, my dear daughters-- I HAVE BOOBS! Deal with it.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Jason, you are gonna fit in around here just fine.

    My 13 year old son is a computer geek. I wish he had somebody to talk to about the stuff who cared. He listens to podcasts on technology for fun, then proceeds to torture me with all the details he has learned. I try to listen, but honestly I could care less. The problem is, when he asks questions, if I don't know the answer, he starts over. I think Marla's Insanity workout would be a ton more fun!

    Seriously, the day that kid's MacWorld magazine arrives in the mail is the happiest day of the month for him. My only hope is he'll make lots of money and take care of us somebody for having to listen to his constant dribble about computers and cell phones.

    Hmm, last time I heard that I was stuck into a padded room with an I love me jacket. :love:

    Isn't that every parents wish, to have their children make something with their lives and keep their parents in a lifestyle they want to be accustomed to? lol

    Indeed-- that's why we "pushed' our kids into golf-- vicarious thrill and all that jazz-- at least that's the story if you listen to my eldest-- :grumble: :grumble:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Boy Ya'll are tough to keep up with this afternoon....

    Much much much better day today..thank goodness, awesome awesome awesome workout.

    Marla- You sound like me I put a pair of shorts on a few days ago and 12 yr old son says momma those are to short!!

    Lori (Fl)- I think I would love those workout marla doing!!

    Jason- Welcome aboard, I agree with Lori you will fit right in and when you dont they will give you a slap around to snap you back into place..just ask marla and lori yesterday on me..

    Lori-Pa..Your almost there..I know you are tired

    Jeannie- Congrats on your weight loss

    Kati- Sorry about your taxes..being a grown up sucks!! Kids have it so good nowadays...

    Tanya- Get you a cute bathing suit, I got me one I think I may take my precious daughter swimming when she wakes up from her nap she has been amazing today!!!

    Everyone else..helllo

    Let me just tell ya'll about my day..I am been busy buys busy, which is awesome..I trying to get the office in order for our heating and air business since its blazing hot here and only gonna get busier!!! I have spent 6 hours in the office and thats so not like me!! But I am pretty proud of myself... I am so in a better mood..I am fixin to go eat my snack yogurt fiber one and fiber one cereal..then a little later dinner!!

    Well hope everyone has a great day, I am off tomorrow, I have another fitness test tomorrow at 5 am with my trainer..I shall tell ya'll how that goes..there is nothing more then she enjpys kicking my tail all over the gym floor, then laughs at me about it!!!

    Bye black teamer...Oh yeah forgot to tell ya'll one month from today I hit goal weight of 150 pounds..I have lost an additional 9 pounds and managed to keep it off for a year, even with everything I have been through this year...Hence..making 500 pies for chrstmas and thnaksgiving for cracker barrel..Iin jan losing my dad..I have got this..GOD is carrying me..Smiling..Smiling..Smiling!!!

    Just wanted to send a great big thank you out there to Marla and Lori- for the wake up call yesterday I really needed it!!!

    Ok I am rambling now..time for mw to go eat my snack!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Tamara- we got your number silly, we will dial it when we need to! :wink: So proud of you. One year at or under goal weight. That is certainly something to shout out!

    I am proud of myself too. I just ate a whole 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese without gagging. :tongue: Ok, my proud is so insignificant next to Tamaras, but I've been trying to eat that stuff.... you know, good for you, protein, blah, blah. I got stuff called smooth and creamy. Well, it was still lumpy, but I did it! Maybe I should try oatmeal again, although truly the thought almost makes me dry heave. Not sure what it is about that stuff but I find it dreadful!

    Edit to add... Marla, hope you sunscreen up the girls! From the sounds of it, they haven't seen sun for a long time! :bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Tamara- we got your number silly, we will dial it when we need to! :wink: So proud of you. One year at or under goal weight. That is certainly something to shout out!

    I am proud of myself too. I just ate a whole 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese without gagging. :tongue: Ok, my proud is so insignificant next to Tamaras, but I've been trying to eat that stuff.... you know, good for you, protein, blah, blah. I got stuff called smooth and creamy. Well, it was still lumpy, but I did it! Maybe I should try oatmeal again, although truly the thought almost makes me dry heave. Not sure what it is about that stuff but I find it dreadful!

    Edit to add... Marla, hope you sunscreen up the girls! From the sounds of it, they haven't seen sun for a long time! :bigsmile:

    Lori. my friend puts her cottage cheese in her mini food processor. she will add a bit of cinnamon and sweetner. or fruit and sweetner and pulse it so it is smooth like cannolli cream. Just an idea for making that stuff palatable!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I love cottage cheese-- why do I always forget to buy it? *smacks forehead* Thanks, guys-- duhhhhhhhh.

    Tamara-- we're always good for a good kick in the keester 'round here-- glad we could help.

    Busy night on tap-- no time to tarry--

    Later, cats.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good morning,
    Fairly new to MyFitnessPal and came across your forum team and I must say I was inspired by your first posts. I am hoping I can join your team, (Not sure if guys are aloud... lol. seem to be a minority in here.=) ).

    Hey Jason,

    Welcome to the black team man!

    Great group of gals here. Very motivating bunch. Always glad to be among them!

    Hey team,

    Work is nutso this week. But my eating has been good so I'm winning the battle.

    Gonna get the kids ready for bed. Just wanted to check in and send my love!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    three words-- Ho. Lee. Crap.

    Insanity plyometric cardio circuit.

    AKA 45 minutes of torture.

    I. AM. WOMAN.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,066 Member
    Morning all,

    All I can say is Cottage cheese - yuck :laugh:

    I had a great time out last night with my friend, drank 2 pints of lime and soda (added the lime to my diary), and was completely done in when I got home so no time on the bike - didn't want to push myself too hard as home alone with the boys etc. I have weighed myself today - and have lost :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , so will carry on eating good and exercising and I will get back onto my goals.

    I have looked at the suits on the Lands End site, and they look lovely just need to find my tape measure :huh:

    Ok, better go need to put a loaf of bread on, wake up a 13 year old, safety check the house etc etc etc. Have a good day all, t xx
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning all..

    My trainer really know how to burst someones bubble, I have my new fitness thest this morning so I texted her and asked her what to eat and she said NO COFFEE!!! I was like what, thats what gets me up and moving in the morning!! BUt oh well just working out until 615 this then have to find a way to get back there around 10..My husband better not have a motive for me today...I know I have to run to the supply house and get him some materials for a job they are doing today but he better not drag his feet so I can make it to the gym before 10 at the latest..daycare closes at 12....

    Well she also said no french toast, so I egg with one piece of toast to soak up my yolk!!

    Well guess I better go get ready I am sleeepy and just wanna go back to sleep!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Morning all..

    My trainer really know how to burst someones bubble, I have my new fitness thest this morning so I texted her and asked her what to eat and she said NO COFFEE!!! I was like what, thats what gets me up and moving in the morning!! BUt oh well just working out until 615 this then have to find a way to get back there around 10..My husband better not have a motive for me today...I know I have to run to the supply house and get him some materials for a job they are doing today but he better not drag his feet so I can make it to the gym before 10 at the latest..daycare closes at 12....

    Well she also said no french toast, so I egg with one piece of toast to soak up my yolk!!

    Well guess I better go get ready I am sleeepy and just wanna go back to sleep!!!

    Mine used to tell me 1/2 banana and tbls of peanut butter. I would gag it down because I hate to eat in the morning and do not care for banana. But I always had good workouts so it must have worked.

    have a great day..........cannot wait to hear how fit you are!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Morning all,

    All I can say is Cottage cheese - yuck :laugh:

    I had a great time out last night with my friend, drank 2 pints of lime and soda (added the lime to my diary), and was completely done in when I got home so no time on the bike - didn't want to push myself too hard as home alone with the boys etc. I have weighed myself today - and have lost :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , so will carry on eating good and exercising and I will get back onto my goals.

    I have looked at the suits on the Lands End site, and they look lovely just need to find my tape measure :huh:

    Ok, better go need to put a loaf of bread on, wake up a 13 year old, safety check the house etc etc etc. Have a good day all, t xx

    Yeah, the tape measure is important. I love LE bathing suits. Careful on some with the 'tummy tuck' designs or what ever they call them..........they can be super tight.

    I liked the little boy short ones. I have been wearing a skirt and feel kinda old ladyish............the shorts and cool beans!

    And cottage cheese is yummy in my tummy!! Pinapple........blueberries..........strawberries............honey.......or just plain.