Protein rich foods for breakfast



  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    My favorite protein breakfasts are greek yogurt, oatmeal with protein powder mixed in, bacon, or even just a can of tuna. I sometimes put tuna/spinach in my eggs in the morning too.
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    I eat the same breakfast every day pretty much because I love it, but I have steel cut oats, 1 tbs of peanut butter, and a banana. That gets me 12 grams of protein.
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    Greek yogurt (like chobani). I like mixing the apple cinnamon chobani with peanut butter!
    Protein shake: find a good tasting one you like. Easy and yum.
    Can add powder to oatmeal too.
    Cheese spinach and salad on a toasted wrap is nice
    Cottage cheese w berries and honey/stevia/cocoa.
    If I had time I'd def go with eggs tho. Eggs (poached), wilted spinach, tomatoes, lemon, avocado s&p... Yum