


  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    and eating 1200 calories is not crash dieting it is actually what this website recommened for me.

    The website nearly always recommends this, but it's not necessarily the correct way to do it. However, that said, and not knowing your full stats, I would start by eating at the 1200 calories as recommended *and* eating back all of your exercise calories. It sounds counter-intutive, I know, but if you are truly walking 10-15 miles per day (which is entirely possible in an ER!!!), your body is not getting enough nutrition to feed itself and keep itself going so it's hoarding those energy calories for normal functions rather than burning them.

    I'm not saying it quite right, but take a look at the forum post called "in Place of a Road map" and start reading.....there's a LOT of information out there.

    And there's also a lot of jerks out here who forgot that they, too, needed help at one time.
  • ladynevertells
    I have been drinking lemon water for over a month and eating relatively well. I have the odd 'slip' I have only joined myfitnesspal 1 week ago but I have lost seven & half pounds drinking 2 litres of lemon water each day starting with a mug of warm lemon in the morning when I get out of bed.

    here is the link tio the lemon diet (I don't follow) but I drink the lemon water and it has proved results. More of the girls in my office have started it to with results also.

    Good luck x
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    and eating 1200 calories is not crash dieting it is actually what this website recommened for me.

    It recommends 1200 to almost everybody...does not mean it works...
  • sapphies
    sapphies Posts: 45 Member
    30 lbs is a lot to gain in a single month. that is over 7 lbs a week! I am not saying you are lying; what I think is you need a full medical work up. Your thyroid tested okay, but when is the last time you went to GYN? Maybe you developed PCOS that makes losing weight really difficult and will put weight on you. Also, has your thyroid been tested recently? My thyroid was fine one year and 2 years later we are trying to work on a dosage to regulate it. Which even though I average a calorie deficit which should have me losing 2+ lbs a week I am averaging about 1.7 a week still good but the thyroid is slowing things down.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Wow I thought this was for support not to be ridiculed.
    Thought I could ask for different diet ideas
    If yall were nice people that suported one another you would see that
    first off my doctor is a cooke and my thyroid is screwed up (from looking ay my lab values myself)

    and eating 1200 calories is not crash dieting it is actually what this website recommened for me.
    also, why would I be lying about this? I would look like an idoit. I did this for help to see if anyone else has had this problem and what thier doctor has said about it.

    No one's ridiculing you, they're just trying to work with the information you gave them. First off, in your OP you didn't say your thyroid was actually messed up, you said it was fine. Information like that matters a lot. If you saw the labs and you know something's wrong, go find another doctor who will help you.

    Second, 1200 calories is too few for 95% of the people on this site. Unless you're short, older and sedentary, or have a medical issue, you need to be eating more. You MAY have a medical issue and therefore need to eat 1200 (or less) calories to lose, but you need to have that confirmed first. If, as your current doctor said, everything is fine, read the IPOARM thread and read this:

    Third, do your best to get more sleep. Not sleeping can greatly hinder weight loss. Get more healthy fats in your diet too... A low-fat diet combined with no sleep means wacky hormones.

    Good luck.
  • Reeceybaby1988
    Wow I thought this was for support not to be ridiculed.
    Thought I could ask for different diet ideas
    If yall were nice people that suported one another you would see that
    first off my doctor is a cooke and my thyroid is screwed up (from looking ay my lab values myself)

    and eating 1200 calories is not crash dieting it is actually what this website recommened for me.
    also, why would I be lying about this? I would look like an idoit. I did this for help to see if anyone else has had this problem and what thier doctor has said about it.

    who has ridiculed you?

    if you dont want the opinions of sucessful dieters who have lost weight and KEPT it off in a healthy way, dont ask...
    if you would have bothered to read the link i posted, maybe you would be more informed on said "1200" calories

    obviously you know best....
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Second, 1200 calories is too few for 95% of the people on this site. Unless you're short, older and sedentary,
    At 5'2" (5'3" on a Good Day), 42 years old, menopausal, and with a highly sedentary desk job, even *I* have to eat 1300 plus calories per day to lose weight....and I am only a pound away from my 110 pound goal weight.

    So back those exercise calories. And see a new doctor. :)
  • klappeh
    klappeh Posts: 49 Member
    A friend of mine has insulin resistance which makes her gain weight and almost impossible to lose if not on meds. Have you had that checked?
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    Stress and poor sleep have a HUGE affect on your ability to lose weight. Cortisol levels (and other hormones) will be all over the place which is going to sabotage any good intentioned diet and exercise plan. Have you had your blood glucose or A1C checked? That could also be a factor.
    Also, I'm with lots of the others on here; sounds like you need more calories, especially expending as many calories as you will walking each day. Try an extra few hundred calories for a week or two and see if anything changes; GOOD calories. I'd ditch the processed frozen dinners and veggies, they are loaded with sodium and chemicals even if the calories and fat are low. It sounds like you have a bit of a time crunch so if you want quick, easy but healthier meals, make a bunch of something on the weekend and freeze it yourself. Portion it into separate containers and reheat quickly. Make a bunch of brown rice, cut up veggies and fruit to get you through the week with easy access to healthy foods so you won't be tempted to grab something quick.
    Good luck!
  • tawisdom
    So for everyone that said I was "lying" and I was not doing to right thing. I just go diagnosed with hypothyroidism, PCOS and possibly could have cushings syndrome too. I originally posted this before my diagnosis to see if anyone else had this issue. So for some of you to say that I should not post something if I don't want a response GO F YOURSELF. This website is suppose to be for support.


    For people that have a diagnosis it is not fair to tell them that they are doing something wrong when they have a disease that affects their endocrine system. FOR those DAs out there that's the thing that makes you lose weight.

    On the other hand thank you for the people giving me input on some people they know that had the same issue. Like being insulin resistant and telling me about PCOS.
  • wildchildzoom
    wildchildzoom Posts: 5 Member
    You go girl, tell ppl this isnt a bully forum. I had the same issue and I am diagnosed insulin resistant, the doctors are looking into Cushings Syndrome as well. Well wishes in your journey. Endocrine disorders are VERY frustrating.