How to stay in check when you go on vacation or out of town?

I am going away on a girls weekend. I just started my program and am doing well, but am worried about the upcoming trip. It's a 5+ car ride each way (what better way to pass the time than eat) and then we will be shopping and eating out (along with drinks!) eeks!!!

How do I balance it all out? work out more the day before? have a "cheat" time? thanks :)


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I went on an 18 hour car ride road trip to my cousins wedding. I just watched what I ate. Tried to make as healthy choices as I could. When you are forced to eat out you can eat low in calories but not in sodium. Drink lots of water. Workout if you can. Don't freak out of a gain when you get back. If you stay in control you it's most likely water weight. I was up 6 pounds when I got back and it was gone in a matter of days. If you eat like you use to your body will freak out and make it sick probably. Good luck and have fun! Water water water! :drinker:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Try your hardest to eat smaller portions if that's the case or bring some planned healthier snacks with you?
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I agree with them!! Bring some healthy snacks, try to split meals with a friend and drink tons of water. Do you have a phone with internet on it? You can log into MFP through your web OS that way. It might help you stay on track better. I would also say not to drink too much. Drinking alcohol takes up a lot of calories that aren't doing you much good. I had a "cheat" day last weekend, where I ate like I used to eat. I was up feeling really crappy for most of the night, trying not to puke. It was definitely not worth it!! Your body isn't used to that way of life anymore.
    Have fun though, whatever you do!!:flowerforyou:
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I try to bring healthy snacks - fruit, carrots, 100 calorie packs, granola bars, etc. jerky is a fairly low cal (high sodium) option too. when eating out, I try to stick with broiled fish or shrimp, salads with dressing on the side. if I want a drink, I have a captain and diet, which is fairly good calorie wise.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    For the car, bring healthy snacks -- grapes, apples, almonds, homemade trail mix -- and bottled water! If nothing else you can find almonds at a gas station (I know because I did this past weekend!) :)

    As for while you are there... hey, shopping the mall counts as walking! :) A lot of hotels have fitness rooms now too if you want to do that. At restaurants, I'd drink water and just try to make healthy choices. I promise it is possible! Split something with a friend, get fish/chicken with vegetables, remember the phrase "on the side". I'm not much of a drinker, so can't give you advice on drinks. Enjoy yourself and don't spend the whole weekend obsessing over calories! :)