Tough Mudder Training



  • raisingemilyjune
    I don't know anyone though :( I'm trying, but I don't socialise a lot because of my work and the few friends I have remaining are not physically fit at all, like, they don't do anything. I'm the odd one out. I asked a friend who is doing Colour Me Rad with me if he wants to come with me, and my fiance is bugging his work friends who said they would do it but it all depends on what other people have going on.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I don't know anyone though :( I'm trying, but I don't socialise a lot because of my work and the few friends I have remaining are not physically fit at all, like, they don't do anything. I'm the odd one out. I asked a friend who is doing Colour Me Rad with me if he wants to come with me, and my fiance is bugging his work friends who said they would do it but it all depends on what other people have going on.

    I'm doing one solo next weekend... never been a fan of group/team races.
  • raisingemilyjune
    I don't know anyone though :( I'm trying, but I don't socialise a lot because of my work and the few friends I have remaining are not physically fit at all, like, they don't do anything. I'm the odd one out. I asked a friend who is doing Colour Me Rad with me if he wants to come with me, and my fiance is bugging his work friends who said they would do it but it all depends on what other people have going on.

    I'm doing one solo next weekend... never been a fan of group/team races.

    Me too usually, I don't even have a running partner lol I just plug in a go normally (obviously not going to plug in for TM hahaha). My fiance is the only person I work-out with.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You mean we have to actually train for these things?! *kitten*...

    Running is obviously a big one
    HIIT (high intensity interval training) because throughout the course you will be starting and stopping a lot due to the obstacles
    Squats, push ups, pull ups, jump rope, burpees, planks, etc. You'll need to be able to crawl, jump, climp, pull and run.

    You'll want to get used to getting your heart rate up pretty high because this course will keep that heart rate up pretty high the entire time.
  • raisingemilyjune
    For anyone wondering, this is where Toronto TM is held

    I know the area and I know it's legit INSANE. I have a bike race just south of there at Horse Shoe Valley in a few weeks.
  • raisingemilyjune
    You mean we have to actually train for these things?! *kitten*...

    Running is obviously a big one
    HIIT (high intensity interval training) because throughout the course you will be starting and stopping a lot due to the obstacles
    Squats, push ups, pull ups, jump rope, burpees, planks, etc. You'll need to be able to crawl, jump, climp, pull and run.

    You'll want to get used to getting your heart rate up pretty high because this course will keep that heart rate up pretty high the entire time.

    I train with a HRM, and am hyper aware of my HR at all times lol I like seeing it high and I have trouble getting it to 140 sometimes. 170 is not unusual when I run, so we're good to go on that front. I'm going to start putting a training plan together over the weekend based on the TM training program as well as NROLFW.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    The Tough Mudder site also has a message board devoted to teams. You might be able to find a team to join through that if you're interested.
  • TX_Aggie_Dad
    TX_Aggie_Dad Posts: 173
    If you can afford it I'd suggest joining a Crossfit box near you. It seems perfect for TM training.

    That advice coming from a guy that is training for my first TM in October so I can only speculate based on what I've read online, etc. Grip strength seems to be a big key for some of the obstacles and lifting, pull-ups, etc. can help with that as well.

    Good luck!
  • raisingemilyjune
    If you can afford it I'd suggest joining a Crossfit box near you. It seems perfect for TM training.

    That advice coming from a guy that is training for my first TM in October so I can only speculate based on what I've read online, etc. Grip strength seems to be a big key for some of the obstacles and lifting, pull-ups, etc. can help with that as well.

    Good luck!

    There IS a Crossfit Gym right by me but they are SO expensive and unfortunately my meagre income does not cover that. I've been wanting to try it out forever but the cost is what is preventing me from doing it. I'll get to it eventually, but I do agree it seems like the perfect place to be for TM training.
  • TX_Aggie_Dad
    TX_Aggie_Dad Posts: 173
    If you can afford it I'd suggest joining a Crossfit box near you. It seems perfect for TM training.

    That advice coming from a guy that is training for my first TM in October so I can only speculate based on what I've read online, etc. Grip strength seems to be a big key for some of the obstacles and lifting, pull-ups, etc. can help with that as well.

    Good luck!

    There IS a Crossfit Gym right by me but they are SO expensive and unfortunately my meagre income does not cover that. I've been wanting to try it out forever but the cost is what is preventing me from doing it. I'll get to it eventually, but I do agree it seems like the perfect place to be for TM training.

    You might just look at the workouts on the main crossfit site - for ideas and it is free (you can always modify the workouts based on the equipment that you have or lack thereof).
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I'm am doing TM Tampa in Nov

    I have done 4 mud runs such as the Warrior Dash

    My training plans includes:

    - Insanity/Asylum VOL 1 & 2/ Focus T25 (when it comes out)
    All of Shaun T's intense workout programs are GREAT to get your body ready! One mud run I did there was so many steep hills it was very dangerous to just run so I did a lot of bear crawling climbing up the hills or thru tunnels since i didn 't want cuts on my knees. I was able to hold myself up for awhile since bear crawls I did at home.

    As well as upper body workouts, his programs are great for lower body strength. In asylum he has us do long jumps. And in TM there this obstacle where there are quite of few ditches you have to jump over.

    - C25K than C210K

    - Doing as many 5K mud runs as many as I can between now and Nov (if you volunteer for mud runs you either get to do it free or at a discount - I am actually being a volunteer first for TM to cut down the ticket cost)

    - Trail running

    - Pulls Ups and monkey bar training

    Once my husband comes back from Korea, I will probably do CrossFit with him.

    Oh and I plan to fill my garden tub with ice and water about twice a month.
    My husband did TM GA in 2012 and it was FREEZING that day! He just did in shorts! lol I was bundled up and still cold! lol