autoimmunity disease and trying to lose weight

For those who are MFP members and dealing with an autoimmunity disease how do you do it? Since I have been trying to lose weight, eat healthier and move more I get much more frustrated and angry at those days I am down. My head wants my body to do more than my body can do.

I thought, start out small on exercise and just keep adding to it as I can handle it. But that is not how my stupid body is handling things. i was doing more a month ago, than what I am capable now. Do I try to do some light exercise when I feel so bad, or just wait until I feel better?

And eating, now that is a challenge. When my crohns is really painful I need to avoid fiber. Well, that almost removes all healthy food completely. I eat lots of Greek yogurt . but I can only eat 2-3 cups a day.

Mentally I know, give myself a break and just relax and ride out the flare. I just really want to be healthier and I feel like I am in a tug of war with my body. I do not want to give up, but its so hard to stay motivated when I am so bloated and not feel well.

Any support is appreciate.


  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Hang in there.. I honestly cant say I know what you are going thru, but I wanted to lend my support.

    On days where you are having a flare up and you resort to protein shakes or meal replacement shakes along with a little bit of fruit? Maybe some meats and grains in during the day..

    I would say any type of exercise is something whether it just be lifting small weights and doing some arm lifts or something when you are not feeling that great. And then when you are having a good day then throw in the cardio and the heavier weights. Just take it a day at a time.

    Dont feel discouraged, autoimmunity disease can dealt with you just have to work around it and not let it get you down.. (I know that is probably easier said than done though) :heart:
  • chicagospeechie
    chicagospeechie Posts: 33 Member
    hang in there. it can be tough. I have severe crohn's and have to eliminate fibrous foods from my diet. there are still plenty of healthy things out there.

    I do greek yogurt, eggs, string cheese, chicken breast, fish, tuna, turkey, small amounts (85g or less) of iceberg or romaine lettuce, unsweetened applesauce, small amounts of avocado (50g or less), 1/2 peeled potato, and overripe bananas (60g or less).

    juicing is also nice for still getting vitamins and antioxidants from fruits/veg without the fiber!
  • j3bean
    j3bean Posts: 24 Member
    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis - a close cousin to Crohn's. I am able to tolerate fiber however I feel best on a low starch diet.
    My recommendation for exercise is walking and swimming, particularly swimming because no matter how much pain I am in I can still get into the pool and swim a full workout.

    I think it is important to do a little something every day no matter how much pain you are in- even if its just a 5 minute walk. I know its hard to do, but your perseverance will pay off. Pain had me backpedalling most of last year, or at least it really felt like it, but I still walked every day and swam twice a week. Now I am feeling quite a bit better and I am really starting to take off the pounds (which by the way is another way to reduce your inflammation as my rheumatologist told me today).

    So be compassionate with yourself but keep working any little way that you can.