To get rid of fat, don’t eat before workout ...

cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
A friend just sent me this article ...

To get rid of fat, don’t eat before workout
High adrenaline and low insulin are good fat-burning combo, studies show ...

I had often wondered about that. I usually try and grab a banana or a kashi bar before heading to the gym. Looks like that might not be advisable after all. Then again, I've also read reports that say if you do eat before hand, you'll have more energy which will lead to a better workout.



  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I grab a banana if I'm going to the gym AT LEAST. Obviously, I don't like to try to workout on a full stomach so if I have a generous breakfast...I'll wait until later to workout. If I do it hungry...I find that my energy level is insanely low so I'm struggling to complete what I started. :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I can't work out on empty. I lose my momentum and my blood sugar drops too low. I don't eat anything huge but I will usually have a banana or dried apricots and a couple of almonds. It makes a big difference for me.:ohwell:
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    I generally will eat a 300-400 calorie breakfast around 8am and then exercise at 11am...perfect timing, because then by the time I am done working out it's lunch time! :smile:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member

    Thanks for the link! Azdak makes some very interesting points in that thread.

    I wish I had seen that before I posted.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I work out before bed, still a little dinner left in the system for energy... plus it helps me sleep better!
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    True story: On MONDAY of this week, I ate an ENTIRE Subway footlong and THEN worked out HARD for 65 mins on the elliptical. I had to fight the urge to vomit the whole time. But by God in Heaven, I DID MY EXERCISE that day!

    So, dont do what I did!