Fat Thighs

I have got the FATTEST thighs ever!!! Always have, even when I was younger and weighed much less. I have lost 14 lbs so far (want to lose 21 more) and my stomach is really looking good, but what can I do about these stupid thighs? Will it ever come off from there? I have seen so many ladies with gorgeous toned thighs and that's what I want. I am doing 30 Day Shred and some lifting at the moment, and as soon as school is out, I will be doing more. Please send me some suggestions!!!


  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    My thighs are my problem area without a doubt. I have lost 152 lbs, I work out 4 days a week and they are Still the biggest part of my body and what I'm most self concious of.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    You just have to stay in a deficit and continue to lose body fat.

    Unfortunately you can't target specific areas.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You just have to stay in a deficit and continue to lose body fat.

    Unfortunately you can't target specific areas.

    I've targeted your biceps. Just for the record...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    You may get down to even 20% body fat and have big thighs. Genetics have a lot to do with how you lose and where you lose.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    You just have to stay in a deficit and continue to lose body fat.

    Unfortunately you can't target specific areas.

    This hot, half naked stranger is right.
    My thigh flab is the last to go. Keep losing fat and it will happen.
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    You just have to stay in a deficit and continue to lose body fat.

    Unfortunately you can't target specific areas.

    This is true but you can also work those muscles so they will become toned when you lose the weight. Lunges are great or if you can get to the gym do the leg weights that they have there.
  • philleah
    philleah Posts: 34 Member
    You are right. I was down to 18% body fat at one point and I had the cottage cheese effect on my legs. It is very much genetic, unfortunately!!....Still don't feel comfortable in shorts, either.
  • CubicCutie
    CubicCutie Posts: 53
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your body type is your body type. I too am pear shaped and the thighs are the last place to go even when I was lean. Look on the bright side - being a pear shape is far healthier than being an apple. Less risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and nature gave you those to store fat for when the world runs out of food!

    There are lots of us out there but the best bet is to try to come to terms with your shape rather than mimic someone else's inherent shape. Some of it will go anyway once the visceral fat is gone. Do you use a tape measure? Your perception may be different from the reality? I could have sworn I wasn't losing anything around my bust but hey presto - the tape measure tells me that 3 inches have disappeared! I only lost one inch on the thighs but then the mass surface area is bigger than say your arms so in fact its quite a lot, right?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Lift heavy. Make those fat thighs strong and maybe you won't care if they are fat anymore. I have 24" thighs at a healthy body fat percentage. I just bought my first pair of short shorts since I was 18.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have got the FATTEST thighs ever!!! Always have, even when I was younger and weighed much less. I have lost 14 lbs so far (want to lose 21 more) and my stomach is really looking good, but what can I do about these stupid thighs? Will it ever come off from there? I have seen so many ladies with gorgeous toned thighs and that's what I want. I am doing 30 Day Shred and some lifting at the moment, and as soon as school is out, I will be doing more. Please send me some suggestions!!!

    My thighs are my biggest problem and always have been. 30+ years at a desk job has just made that worse. I have found no solution, but doing various types of squats and lunges helps keep them firm (they are still BIG compared to the rest of my body though).
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I lose my boobs first, and my huge butt and thighs LAST which makes me super disproportionate through the whole process. Eventually when you run out of boob fat, belly fat, ankle fat, back fat and face fat you will have nowhere else to lose it.

    You could try one of those heating lotions (part of the benefit is massage, part is heat) on your thighs to help displace the fat. But i feel like that only helps you feel like you are doing something about it, but it doesn't actually accomplish anything. I use a paprika and cinnamon lotion sometimes, but it HEATS UP! (watch your tender bits)

    I feel like i will have to re-evaluate my goals when i get there too, I'm 15 lbs from the finish line, which i gues is quite a bit in the world of skinng people but seems negligible coming from the over-200 zone. But even where i am now, i can't see 15 lbs fixing everything i want fixed.

    good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Actually, and unfortunately since I don't enjoy it, this ^^ is the best thing I've found for big thighs. My thighs looked their best when I was running regularly. I wish I could get back into it.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Eat at a deficit to continue losing fat. Maintain muscle in your legs by doing squats, lunges, step-ups, dead-lifts, all preferably with weights. It may take a while, but with weighted exercises, what will be left when the fat is gone will sure be pretty. Due to genetics, they may never be as small as you like, but they can be really nice.
  • lindssaurus
    lindssaurus Posts: 98 Member
    I have that problem too. Being a pear its the last place to lose weight in the lower body. But it is possible to tone and and slenderize them. It's a lot of lunges. When I worked at lifetouch taking school photos I had to knee down a lot to pose students. and doing that all day for 6 mts had slimmed down my legs tremendously. If you fit squats and lunges into your daily activies like instead of bending down with your back lower yourself with your knees to get something. Or in the kitchen when you are cooking can help fit it in. Plus a balanced meal helps
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I will continue with those dreaded lunges and get back into walking/running...
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    Even as a baby my Mama said my little thighs were so chubby I got the nickname "Lil' Ham Hockers" till I became a toddler. :blushing:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My thighs are my problem area without a doubt. I have lost 152 lbs, I work out 4 days a week and they are Still the biggest part of my body and what I'm most self concious of.

    Amazing weight loss and I must say, you are a very attractive young woman, well done.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You may get down to even 20% body fat and have big thighs. Genetics have a lot to do with how you lose and where you lose.


    And do squats.
  • A1CNobody
    A1CNobody Posts: 13
    Squats will make them jiggle less! I have the same problem. Even at my tiniest weight I seem to have those good ol' mammoth thighs from my momma. Embrace how big they are, but that doesn't mean you have to accept all the jiggle!